AMI Non-Prosecution Agreement, Ex. The factors listed in JM 9-27.240are illustrative only, and the attorney for the government should also consider any others that appear relevant to his/her particular case. [cited in JM 6-4.210; JM 9-10.060; JM 9-27.200; JM 9-28.300]. In early 2010, the SEC (see here) announced a series of measures "to further strengthen its enforcement program by encouraging greater cooperation from individuals and companies in the agency's investigations and enforcement actions.". 44 0 obj <> endobj The memorandum or record should be signed or initialed by the person with whom the agreement is made or his/her attorney. Are necessary to ensure that the information or indictment adequately reflects the nature and extent of the criminal conduct involved, and provides the basis for an appropriate sentence under all of the facts and circumstances of the case; Will significantly enhance the strength of the government's case against the defendant or a codefendant. Attachment B -Non-Prosecution Agreement with Patterson Companies, Inc. United States v. Animal Health International, Inc. There are only two types of sentence bargains. See Finn v. Schiller, 72 F.3d 1182 (4th Cir. Decisions, for example, regarding the specific charges to be brought, or concerning plea dispositions, effectively determine the range of sanctions that may be imposed for criminal conduct. This is, of course, a threshold consideration only. U.S. Const. With respect to bills of particulars that identify unindicted co-conspirators, prosecutors generally should seek leave to file such documents under seal. Charges should not be filed simply to exert leverage to induce a plea; nor should charges be abandoned to arrive at a plea bargain that does not reflect the seriousness of the defendants conduct. Collaboration Agreement has the meaning set forth in the Recitals. Compliance Mitigation In determining whether it would be appropriate to enter into a plea agreement, the attorney for the government should weigh all relevant considerations, including: Comment. This requirement is addressed in JM 9-27.400. Moreover, the selection of charges may be complicated further by the fact that different statutes have different proof requirements and provide substantially different penalties. For obvious reasons, that person will not want to testify and incriminate himself. Prosecutors will not seek non-prosecution agreements with people who have previously committed many crimes or who can only offer information about their own subordinates in the criminal enterprise. In evaluating victim interests and determining whether to pursue a non-criminal disposition, the prosecutor should be available to confer with the victim in furtherance of the Crime Victims Rights Act (CVRA) and in accordance with the Attorney General Guidelines for Victim and Witness Assistance. Other prosecutorial decisions can be equally significant. It is important that non-prosecution agreements be drawn in terms that will not bind other federal prosecutors or agencies without their consent. It is expected that each federal prosecutor will be guided by these principles in carrying out his/her criminal law enforcement responsibilities unless a modification of, or departure from, these principles has been authorized pursuant toJM 9-27.140. Rule 11(c)(2) requires that a plea agreement be disclosed in open court (except upon a showing of good cause in which case disclosure may be made in camera), while Rule 11(c)(4) requires that the disposition provided for in the agreement be embodied in the judgment. Authority to approve such pleadings is limited to the United States Attorney, the Chief Assistant United States Attorney, and supervisory criminal Assistant United States Attorneys, or a committee including at least one of these individuals. Consistent with longstanding Department of Justice policy, any decision to vary from the policy must be approved by a United States Attorney or Assistant Attorney General, or a supervisor designated by the United States Attorney or Assistant Attorney General, and the reasons must be documented in the file. Another potentially useful alternative to prosecution in some cases is pretrial diversion. The prosecution must also serve a substantial federal interest, and the prosecutor must assess whether, in his/her judgment, the person is subject to effective prosecution in another jurisdiction; and whether there exists an adequate non-criminal alternative to prosecution. Under an NPA, the agency refrains from filing charges to allow the company to demonstrate its good conduct. 203(a)(2)), the third-party can usually be referred to generically ("a Member of Congress"), rather than identified specifically ("Senator X"), at the defendant's plea hearing. The probable sentence or other consequences if the person is convicted in the other jurisdiction. See United States v. Bednarski, 445 F.2d 364, 366 (1st Cir. If such a limitation is not practicable and it can reasonably be anticipated that the agreement may affect prosecution of the person in other districts, the attorney for the government contemplating such an agreement shall communicate the relevant facts to the appropriateUnited StatesAttorney and/or Assistant Attorney General. Such information regarding compulsion orders may be available by telephone from the Policy and Statutory Enforcement Unit in the Office of Enforcement Operations of the Criminal Division. On the other hand, the nature and circumstances of the offense, the identity of the offender or the victim, or the attendant publicity, may be such as to create strong public sentiment in favor of prosecution. if you would like further assistance in . Apart from refusing to enter into a plea agreement, however, the degree to which the Department can express its opposition to Alford pleas may be limited. Rather they are meant to focus the decision-maker's attention on factors that probably will be controlling in the majority of cases. Federal law enforcement priorities, including any federal law enforcement initiatives or operations aimed at accomplishing those priorities; The nature and seriousness of the offense; The person's culpability in connection with the offense; The person's history with respect to criminal activity; The person's willingness to cooperate in the investigation or prosecution of others; The probable sentence or other consequences if the person is convicted. Typically, however, a defendant will have committed more than one criminal act and his/her conduct may be prosecuted under more than one statute. 743 (D.N.J. When making a sentencing recommendation, the attorney for the government should seek a sentence that: To avoid unwarranted disparities and to further the goal of uniform treatment of similarly situated defendants, the attorney for the government should first consider whether a sentence within the advisory sentencing guidelines range reflects an appropriate balance of the factors set forth above. Factual and Legal AnalysisPage 12 of 16 1 b. All negotiated plea agreements to felonies or to misdemeanors negotiated from felonies shall be in writing and filed with the court. Merely because this requirement can be met in a given case does not automatically warrant prosecution; further investigation may instead be warranted, and the prosecutor should still take into account all relevant considerations, including those described in the following provisions, in deciding upon his/her course of action. 0000000536 00000 n Each United States Attorneys Office and litigating division of the Department is required to promulgate written guidance describing its internal indictment review process. The agreements will be carefully worded to only offer immunity from prosecution for the specific crimes in question and only in the specific jurisdictions those crimes were believed to have been committed in. 11 . Written agreements will facilitate efforts by the Department to monitor compliance by prosecutors with Department policies and the guidelines. The attorney for the government should oppose attempts by the court to impose any sentence that is: (1) not supported by the law or the evidence; (2) unreasonable in light of 18 U.S.C. The United States Attorney or Assistant Attorney General may also wish to establish internal procedures for appropriate review and documentation of decisions. Comment. And the government's position during the sentencing process will help ensure that the court imposes a sentence consistent with 18 U.S.C. The prosecutor, with Departmental approval, may appeal a sentence which is unreasonable, unlawful or based on a prohibited factor. 9-24.000 - Requests For Special Confinement Conditions, 9-28.000 - Principles of Federal Prosecution Of Business Organizations , Initiating and Declining ProsecutionProbable Cause Requirement, Grounds for Commencing or Declining Prosecution, Initiating and Declining ChargesSubstantial Federal Interest, Initiating and Declining ChargesProsecution in Another Jurisdiction, Initiating and Declining ChargesImpermissible Considerations, Selecting ChargesCharging Most Serious Offenses, Charges Triggering Mandatory Minimum Sentences and Recidivist Enhancementsin Certain Violent Crime Cases IncludingDrug Trafficking Crimes, Plea AgreementsConsiderations to be Weighed, Plea Agreements When Defendant Denies Guilt, Offers to Plead Nolo ContendereOpposition Except in Unusual Circumstances, Offers to Plead Nolo ContendereOffer of Proof, Argument in Opposition of Nolo Contendere Plea, Entering into Non-prosecution Agreements in Return for CooperationGenerally, Entering into Non-prosecution Agreements in Return for CooperationConsiderations to be Weighed, Entering into Non-prosecution Agreements in Return for CooperationLimiting the Scope of Commitment, Agreements Requiring Assistant Attorney General Approval, Multi-District (Global) Agreement Requests, Limitation on Identifying Uncharged Third-Parties Publicly. Although a court may accept a proffered plea of nolo contendere after considering "the parties' views and the publicinterest in the effective administration of justice," (Fed. v Anderson, 55 F.Supp.2d 1163 (D. Kan 1999); United States v. Smith, 992 F. Supp. The provision is not intended to suggest the desirability or lack of desirability of a plea agreement in any particular case or to be construed as a reflection on the merits of any plea agreement that actually may be reached; its purpose is solely to assist attorneys for the government in exercising their prosecutorial discretion as to whether a plea agreement would be appropriate in a particular case. To ensure consistency and accountability, charging and plea agreement decisions must be reviewed by a supervisory attorney. As legal advice must be tailored to the specific circumstances of each case, and laws are constantly changing, nothing provided herein should be used as a substitute for the advice of competent counsel. Third Party Agreement means an agreement in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Administrative Agent pursuant to which a Third Party, as applicable and as may be required by the Administrative Agent, among other things: (a) waives or subordinates in favor of the Administrative Agent any Liens such Third Party may have in and to any Collateral or any setoff, recoupment, or similar rights such Third Party may have against any Credit Party; (b) grants the Administrative Agent access to Collateral which may be located on such Third Partys premises or in the custody, care, or possession of such Third Party for purposes of allowing the Administrative Agent to inspect, remove or repossess, sell, store, or otherwise exercise its rights under this Agreement or any other Loan Document with respect to such Collateral; (c) authorizes the Administrative Agent (with or without the payment of any royalty or licensing fee, as determined by the Administrative Agent) to (i) complete the manufacture of work-in-process (if the manufacturing of such Goods requires the use or exploitation of a Third Partys Intellectual Property) and (ii) dispose of Collateral bearing, consisting of, or constituting a manifestation of, in whole or in part, such Third Partys Intellectual Property; (d) agrees to hold any negotiable Documents in its possession relating to the Collateral as agent or bailee of the Administrative Agent for purposes of perfecting the Administrative Agents Lien in and to such Collateral under the UCC; (e) with respect to Third Parties other than landlords, agrees to deliver the Collateral to the Administrative Agent upon request or, upon payment of applicable fees and charges to deliver such Collateral in accordance with the Administrative Agents instructions; or (f) agrees to terms regarding Collateral held on consignment by such Third Party. The principles of federal prosecution set forth herein are intended to promote the reasoned exercise of prosecutorial discretion by attorneys for the government with respect to: Comment. P. 5.1(a)),and is the minimal requirement for indictment by a grand jury. NPAs typically dont result in any charges being filed against the company and dont require the company to admit liability. For example, the Non-Prosecution Agreement (NPA) described in item E of this section, which UBS entered into with the US Department of Justice (DOJ), Criminal Division, Fraud Section in connection with UBS's submissions of benchmark interest rates, including, among others, the British Bankers Association London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), was terminated by the DOJ based on its determination that UBS had committed a US crime in relation to foreign exchange matters. NON-PROSECUTION AGREEMENT 1. If the testimony is necessary to successfully prosecute the crime, prosecutors will sometimes agree not to prosecute someone who had a minor role in the crime in exchange for the information. Non-prosecution agreements (NPAs) are legally binding arrangements between government agencies such as the Department of Justice and companies or individuals facing a criminal or civil investigation. Even if it is not practicable to obtain the desired cooperation pursuant to an "informal use immunity" agreement, the attorney for the government should attempt to limit the scope of the agreement in terms of the testimony and transactions covered, bearing in mind the possible effect of his/her agreement on prosecutions in other districts. Any modification or departure contemplated as a matter of policy or regular practice must be approved by the appropriate Assistant Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney General. Making sentencing recommendations in appropriate cases. If the company or individual breaches the NPA, the prosecutors can restart the case and use the company's or individual's admissions in subsequent proceedings. Prosecutors shall comply, however, with any court order directing the public filing of a bill of particulars. 55 0 obj <>stream Except as hereafter provided, the attorney for the government may, with supervisory approval, enter into a non-prosecution agreement in exchange for a person's cooperation when, in his/her judgment, the person's timely cooperation appears to be necessary to the public interest and other means of obtaining the desired cooperation are unavailable or would not be effective. For example, approvals to drop charges in a particular case might be given because the United States Attorney's office is particularly over-burdened, the case would be time-consuming to try, and proceeding to trial would significantly reduce the total number of cases disposed of by the office. As with the indictment decision, the prosecutor should seek a plea to the most serious readily provable offense(s) charged. In determining whetherthere exists an adequate, non-criminal alternative to prosecution, the attorney for the government should consider all relevant factors, including: Comment. Even though prosecutors might prefer the testimony, they will not agree to a non-prosecution agreement if the same evidence can be introduced at trial by bank records. NPAs also do not need a monitoring officer. Moreover, both as a matter of fundamental fairness and in the interest of the efficient administration of justice, no prosecution should be initiated against any person unless the attorney for the government believes that the admissible evidence is sufficient to obtain and sustain a guilty verdict by an unbiased trier of fact. Stay up-to-date on the power of integrating Dow Jones news and data into innovative applications. Although these principles deal with the specific situations indicated, they should be read in the broader context of the basic responsibilities of federal attorneys: making certain that the general purposes of the criminal lawassurance of warranted punishment, deterrence of further criminal conduct, protection of the public from offenders, and rehabilitation of offendersare adequately met, while making certain also that the rights of individuals are scrupulously protected. not necessarily. By contrast, in the case of a defendant who could be charged with five counts of fraud, the total amount of money involved in a fraudulent scheme will be considered in determining a guideline range even if the defendant pleads guilty to a single count and there is no stipulation as to the other counts. The bigger that a case is, the more likely that it will be in the public interest to enter into a non-prosecution agreement with one person to get a conviction of another person. As such, they should promote the reasoned exercise of prosecutorial authority and contribute to the fair, evenhanded administration of the federal criminal laws. Since federal prosecutors have great latitude in making crucial decisions concerning enforcement of a nationwide system of criminal justice, it is desirable, in the interest of the fair and effective administration of justice, that all federal prosecutors be guided by a general statement of principles that summarizes appropriate considerations to be weighed, and desirable practices to be followed, in discharging their prosecutorial responsibilities. If a plea of nolo contendere is offered over the government's objection, the attorney for the government should state for the record why acceptance of the plea would not be in the public interest; and he/she should alsooppose the dismissal of any charges to which the defendant does not plead nolo contendere. In turn, less time spent on a single case allows prosecutors to use their limited resources to investigate allegations of wrongdoing by others. The approval authority shall be vested in at least a supervisory criminal Assistant United States Attorney, or a supervisory attorney of a litigating division in the Department of Justice, who will have the responsibility of assessing the appropriateness of the plea agreement under the policies of the Department of Justice pertaining to pleas. Copyright 2023, That serious, unjustified departures from the principles set forth herein are followed by such remedial action, including the imposition of disciplinary sanctions or other measures, when warranted, as are deemed appropriate. For this reason, he/she should not include in an information, or recommend in an indictment, charges that he/she cannot reasonably expect to prove beyond a reasonable doubt by legally sufficient and admissible evidence at trial. Where two crimes have the same statutory maximum and the same guideline range, but only one contains a mandatory minimum penalty, the one with the mandatory minimum is the more serious. These non-prosecution agreements are only entered into reluctantly and only if there is no other way for prosecutors to get the information. See21 U.S.C. Absent a specific provision in a plea agreement, the attorney for the government is not legally obligated to make a recommendation at sentencing. the risk of harm to the general public, unidentified victims, and other stakeholders such as employees, creditors, and shareholders; and. 0000000877 00000 n [updatedFebruary 2018] [cited inJM6-2.000;JM6-4.320;JM9-28.1300]. As discussed in JM 9-27.500 and JM 9-16.000, there are serious objections to such pleas and they should be opposed unless the appropriate Assistant Attorney General concludes that the circumstances are so unusual that acceptance of such a plea would be in the public interest. The considerations are essentially the same as those governing the selection of charges to be included in the original indictment or information. When making a sentencing recommendation, the attorney for the government may consider whether, and to what extent, the defendant has provided substantial assistance in the investigation or prosecution of others. If the governments position with respect to the sentence to be imposed is related to a plea agreement, that position must be made known to the court at the time the plea is entered. 7. The repository or repositories of this documentation need not be the case file itself. In determining whether to commence or recommend prosecution or take other action against a person, the attorney for the government may not be influenced by: In addition, federal prosecutors and agents may never make a decision regarding an investigation or prosecution, or select the timing of investigative steps or criminal charges, for the purpose of affecting any election, or for the purpose of giving an advantage or disadvantage to any candidate or political party. , 992 F. Supp ) charged charges to be included in the jurisdiction... Not bind other federal prosecutors non prosecution agreement agencies without their consent of this documentation need not be case... ; JM9-28.1300 ] any charges being filed against the company and dont require the company to demonstrate its good.. 55 F.Supp.2d 1163 ( D. Kan 1999 ) ; United States v. Smith, 992 F. Supp ; ]! Grand jury case allows prosecutors to get the information into reluctantly and only if there no... 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