Forces Korea, the Department of Defense, or any agency of the U.S. government. Of course there is a certain type of officer who fails to get it. They aren't " in the pipeline" yet regarding training , experience or anything else yet. All Army personnel in uniform are required to salute when they meet and recognize persons entitled to the salute. Scott welcomes story ideas and feedback on his articles, and can be reached at, ts summertime, and for many cadets in the Armys ROTC programs and at West Point, that means . They're inchoate officers. It's often hard to find but its often the real truth on a subject especially if it's being spoon fed to you in briefs and media. In my experience we rarely see a decent new officer come out of West Point and it's really sad. We have other job description s (stores /rations handling.. what that person is responsible for , order for commissary ration/breakdown The better we helped him to understand the less he has to look for answers. Thus, I suspect a warrant officer's wife is addressed a "wifady" (wife/lady.) This essay is an unofficial expression of opinion; the views expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of West Point, the Department of the Army, U.S. Why hasn't a single one of you been taught that humility, respect and honor flows both ways but in different fashions? This information was not covered or taught. Rather, the Modern War Institute provides a forum for professionals to share opinions and cultivate ideas. In respect of ROTC, the R stipulates that only a contracted cadet in ROTC fits the definition I presented. While Deployed with the Corps in support of Operation Inherent Resolve, he also assumed duties as the Combined Joint Task Force (OIR) J-3 Sergeant Major. Garrison Command Sergeant Major :: West Point U.S. Army Garrison West Point America's Oldest U.S. Army Garrison & Home to the United States Military Academy Command Sgt. Prior to serving in the Army, he was a high school percussion instructor and earned a Bachelor of Arts in music from Truman State University in Missouri. Example: In the U.S. Military a Warrant Officer (W-2W-5) are commissioned but are not gentlemen officers. He previously served as Music Arranger and NCOIC of Sound, Staging, and Lighting at the 113th Army Band "Dragoons" in Fort Knox, Kentucky. The garrison supports a base population of over 16,500 Soldiers, Civilians, Family Members, and Contractors as well as supporting over 40,000 retirees in the area. While CTLT is a useful and important mentorship and developmental activity, many units see CTLT as a drag, and dealing with cadets as a hassle. WEST POINT, NY (Oct. 14, 2016) - The U.S. Army and the U.S . Very interesting. Elite only in their mind. My NCOs treated me with respect while I was a midshipman, but taught me what it meant. I too am an honorably discharged Army Vet from an Army family. Podcast When a cadet has to leave the USAFA before graduation, he is assigned to a reserve unit with the rank of Airman 2C. West Point welcomed Command Sargent Major Michael J. Coffey as the 21st U.S. Military Academy senior enlisted leader during an assumption of responsibility ceremony Monday, August 17, 2020. No, they won't deploy in that position, but they can and do attend annual training and NTC rotations and can act as Platoon Leader. (2) If the commander of a headquarters and headquarters element dies, becomes disabled, retires, is reassigned, or is temporarily absent, the senior regularly assigned Army Soldier of the particular headquarters and headquarters element who performs duties within the element will assume command. Somebody at USMA needs to ensure cadets are informed about their precedence in the order of ranks and teach them that while they are at AOT/CLTC, etc. I was further saluted by all enlisted personnel I encountered on base. At that . He previously served as the NCOIC of supply at the U.S. Army School of Music. I thought this is a very well written article. ROTC cadets do too. . If you salute a cadet, who is not a commissioned officer you would be making the entire "First Salute" ceremony asinine if cadets had been entitled to salutes the entire time. Master Sergeant Loy Song has played in the Concert Band and Jazz Knights trumpet sections, was a founding member and lead singer of the Benny Havens Band, and is now a member of the Support Staff. Or a sergeant major for that matter. If you're not an Infantry Officer then to us you're an NPC because you lack skills and experience. I spent 3 years as a MSG and never saluted a cadet. I learned something that day. He recently earned the Professional in Human Resources Certification through the Human Resources Certification Institute. Command Sgt. A very interesting thread. Is anyone able to give me a solid answer to this question? Cadets were not entitled to receive salutes from enlisted personnel. 133. Staff Sergeant Cardone earned her Bachelor of Music, magna cum laude, in . The West Point Music Research Center is dedicated to understanding and communicating the effects of music through multi-disciplinary research and analysis. which makes it pretty clear that West Point cadets do, in fact, outrank Army NCOs. The Commandant's Corner is a way to provide a direct channel of information about current cadet activities, leadership topics and other updates about the United States Military Academy's Corps of Cadets. Get off your high horse. Salutes will be exchanged between officers (commissioned and warrant) and enlisted personnel, and with personnel of Not only do NCO's get shit on by their LT's but sometimes the LT is getting shit on by his Company Commander. Always seek the minority view of any situation or story! My CWO put him in his place and ask what would this cadet' commanding officer would think of his conduct and told him to leave. Scott welcomes story ideas and feedback on his articles, and can be reached As an humorous aside, earlier I mentioned that the junior officers in my reserve unit treated cadets as little more than errand boys. Give credit where its due and stop making it about you. Interesting because WO1s are appointed by SecDef on behalf of the CinC. CDT Vincent High marks! They assume command until relieved by proper authority except as provided in 2-8c. Then we'd mow the guy down with an M4. Its like my father (retired CW3) taught me; " I don't have to respect you but I HAVE TO RESPECT your rank.". Hope this was brief enough for you or TL:DR? They are everywhere and plugged into everything. I was assigned to the 25th ID in 1972. They are TDY for a few weeks therefore their authority only extends to West Point. I agree with you Sir. Mark C. Quander Brigadier General , US Army 79th Commandant of Cadets Sergeant First Class Anthony has also served as a percussionist with the 9th Army Band in Fairbanks, Alaska, and the U.S. Army Signal Corps Band in Augusta, Georgia. He has much humility and respect for all who serve and served so he will appreciate your words. Working as a deputy or person number 2 is always a difficult task. Without these people, "How do you become "ELite"! Hooah!!! Medical students are not in this hierarchy at all except they answer to doctors and do only what a doctor tells them to, under that doctors supervision. It is not necessary to rescind the announcement designating an acting commander to assume duties of the commander during the temporary absence of the regularly assigned commander if the announcement gives the time element involved. The Modern War Institute does not screen articles to fit a particular editorial agenda, nor endorse or advocate material that is published. In this case he/she is regularly assigned, potentially in an E3, E4, E5, or what have you spot. A wise cadet will be mindful of their position. -If you are a cadet and you don't see the value of picking the brain of an NCO (CPL to SGM), then you will most likely be doing your time and moving on. As corny as this will sound, the feelings related in the film An Officer and a Gentleman at the end were pretty accurate. Sometimes cadets are relegated to less-meaningful duties, or endure some modicum of hazing as part of the experience. If married his spouse is always addressed a "Lady so and so.". Staff Sergeant Chrissy Rivers joined the West Point Band in September of 2010. original name United States Military Academy at West Point insignia cadets sleeve rank and duty insignia. Officers and NCO's must realize alike that, they way you treat your future Officers (NCO's case) and the way you treat your subordinates (Officers case) will dictate how the military can and will be run in the future. Interestingly, when a graduating cadet received his commission, (there were no females in the cadet corps in those days), his commission was backdated 15 months to the date he entered the cadet program, giving him a lead on promotion to first lieutenant. You probably dont salute WOs either because you think theyre beneath you as well. As that was a long time ago, my memories of the experience were that it was the best and the worst of both worlds. Corporal: Sergeant: Platoon Sergeant: Color sergeant: left sleeve only: First Sergeant: Regimental and Battalion Sergeant Major: Brigade Command Sergeant Major: Lieutenant: Color Lieutenant: Company Commander: Battalion Adjutant: Battalion . Yet, still burdened with the unsocial characteristic of the enlisted class. AR 600-20 lists command structure. Salute were means of communication. By reg,they can't command or lead troops in the field. Strangely enough, the Services expect the exact same behavior as "officers and gentlemen" (and of course ladies) from cadets and midshipmen, as they are also subject to Article 133, even lacking a commission, and some are dismissed from the Service every year for violating Article 133. I work with my leadership and learn from them and they help to shape me to become a good officer. Command Sergeant Major Robert T. Craven 26th Command Sergeant Major United States Corps of Cadets, West Point CSM Robert T. Craven hails from Swords, Louisiana and enlisted in the U.S. Army in March 1995. I think the part of the reg people have over looked is "the senior regularly assigned Army Soldier will assume command". Your submission has been received. Your comment reeks of arrogance. sgm guevara's awards and decorations include the bronze star, meritorious service medal (2nd award), the army commendation medal (3rd award), the army achievement medal (4th award), the master parachutist badge, the ranger tab, the pathfinder badge, the combat infantryman badge, the expert infantryman badge, the air assault badge, the el salvador And yet, the UCMJ does hold all commissioned officers, including CW2-CW5, accountable for their behavior, as they are subject to Article 133, Conduct Unbecoming and Officer and Gentlemen. From the junior officer perspective we were seen as coffee and errand boys. And I declined two Bronze Stars because some senior Officer decided to dispense them for every Officer and Senior NCO in theater! I pray that you are only a LT yourself. My friend confirmed that Navy Aviation Cadets rated salutes by enlisted personnel, at least they did at that time. Normal members of the medical team fall within a strict hierarchy (just like rank). This regulation shows that cadets rank after commissioned and warrant officers, but before NCOs. Will that is incorrect. Naval Facilities Command Expeditionary Warfare Center, n Region Security Engineer Naples, Italy *Back to the story: At first, I let things go and decided someone had to be tough on these kids, but after a while, I couldn't let it roll on. USAG Yuma Proving Grounds, n Principal Engineer Colorado Most of us own our own firearms and body armor because we assume nothing but pray for the best. This article reminded me of something that raised a question for me after I received my commission and that had to do with LTs saluting each other. Correction The lugnut comment was in reference to comment 11 from Toga, not the author. And get to know your PBO very well! Command Sergeant Major Fraser military and civilian education include: Basic Leader Course, Advanced Leaders Course, Senior Leaders Course, US Army Drill Sergeant Academy, First Sergeant Course, United States Army Sergeants Major Academy, Garrison Pre-Command Course, Battalion Pre-Command Course, Command Sergeant Major Development Program, Master Resilience Training, HR Plans and Operations Course, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Course, Battle Staff Course, Postal Supervisor, Postal Operations Course, Modern Army Combative Level I and II, Total Army Instructor Course, Equal Opportunity Leader Course, and Combat Lifesaver Course. The U.S. Military Academy at West Point's mission is "to educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the Nation as an officer in the United States Army." This regulation shows that cadets rank after commissioned and warrant officers, but before NCOs. Payback is one reason to avoid it. Too many Cadets are treated like children by unprofessional NCOs who fail to realize that they are only alienating their future rather and or senior rather. The smart LT listens to his/her NCO and seeks counsel from him/her. Good Grunts care less for their next promotion beyond making sure our records are correct. Shiver me timbers he pooped on the deck. This author wrote an excellent piece. In the 80s I was an instructor at the ANCOC Leadership School. "The purpose of West Point, therefore, is not to act as a glorified drill sergeant but to lay the foundation upon which a career in growth of military knowledge can be based and to accompany it by two indispensable additions; first, such a general education as educated . Tell the NCO's that you don't want to seem like a dick that you're being so picky on things, you're just building trust so later you know who's good to go and what each of our strengths are and that goes for the young LT as well (that's called humility and the men will understand because it's fair). Superior to a mere cunning, lazy enlisted man. Mr. Erik D. Mitchell assumed the position of Deputy to the Garrison Commander, USAG West Point (IMCOM Directorate - Training), on December 20, 2020. When I was a 2LT, I always took the fact that Vietnam vets 4-10 years older than I was were saluting me as an obligation to do my best to earn that salute. A little ancient cadet history for anyone interested. They are legally considered E-5 equivalent, and aren't Branch qualified. So I think he had it right. Then again for the same categories who were on rear detachment duties! GO ARMY! Secondly, just because of this outdated regulation (considering no cadets are assigned to any deployed units) requires no customs or courtesy obligation from enlisted soldiers or officers. Due to the nature of promotions in the Guard at the time, he was still serving as the XO and was still a 1st LT. when I walked in wearing my Class As. I request you review 600-20again. Period. Tired of all the "barracks lawyers" looking for some sort of designated, assigned, or "official" trappings of respect; absent the need to EARN that respect. So cadets are included in the definition. Most cadets understand and respect the NCOs within their unit. "b. Command Sergeant Major Glidewell entered the United States Army in July 1981, and completed Basic Training at Fort Jackson, SC. A straight up lie from a boy who thinks book smarts makes him am expert in my mos. indicating superior social status. Comments will be moderated before posting to ensure logical, professional, and courteous application to article content. Required fields are marked *. Upon completion of Basic and Advanced Individual Training at Fort Sill, Oklahoma he began his military career as a Field Artillery Surveyor. As others have commented, folks should remember that those Cadets that you give a hard time to will in a short time become those officers that are in charge of writing your NCOERs never mind the fact that they also will be your leaders when deployed in a combat zone ( I served in the 1st Cav Div during Desert Shield and Storm), in other words garbage in equals garbage out. CTLT happens in all kinds of units, both in the US and OCONUS. Other courses attended include the U.S. Army Airborne School, Air Assault School, Combative Level 2, Master Resiliency Trainers Course, Battle Staff Course, First Sergeants Course, and the United States Army Force-Management Course. I have heard the saying "Stop being an arrogant officer?" In fact, based on my experience there are some West Pointers out there who never learned that. Mr. Mitchell is a licensed Professional Engineer and a Level III Certified Acquisitions Professional. We can feel confident we did our hob helping train a. Imagine that, good ol Top didnt read the entire regulation, only the part that suited his narrativeshocked. Dont demand respect earn it. We're also the one demographic that gives the socialist/communists nightmares because they know they can't take us head on in any manner so they go through the younger people to reach their aims. The one group that actually gave us respect and tried to help and mentor us were the senior NCOs. I can't speak for the Air Force, but the Navy certainly does. No salute. It is a chain of command situation. You missed it my good first sergeant so I dutifully call your attention to it. I say these factors because while the SNCO is focused on the lugnut and wheel base the Year 3 cadet is looking at the whole of the Humvee and as much of the landscape around it as he can scope out. Even if that enlisted man is the Sgt Maj of the Army. That one NCO who doesn't give a crap about you is the one you should be talking to. Yes I have seen a misguided ROTC cadet DEMAND a salute from an E-9 once. Is the cadet attached or assigned a leadership position? I found myself going toe to toe with these junior NCOs and enlisted, but not to destroy their souls (as the NCO in me wanted to do so badly) but to talk to them and help them understand that if you treat these cadets like crap, it will be returned 10 fold in a year when they commission, hate NCOs, and are their raters. (I was going through a few operations connected to wound recovery). Oh please. Command Sergeant Major Fraser has a daughter, Talia. Mr. Mitchells awards include the Defense of Freedom Medal, US Army Superior Civilian Service Medal (x4), US Army Meritorious Civilian Service Medal, US Army Engineer Regimental Professional Excellence Award, Bronze de Fleury Medal, Secretary of Defense Medal for Global War on Terrorism, NATO Non-Article 5 Service Medal, Joint Meritorious Unit Award United States Force Iraq, J-7, US Army Achievement Medal for Civilian Service (x2). Haha. They aren't commissioned though, depending on the service, they are somewhere around a W1. Without our outstanding NCO Corps counterparts, there would be no outstanding officers. They've shown great patience, respected my process, and I am grateful for these SFCs, MSGs, and SGMs. Its not so much AR, but UCMJ. This is more or less the Armys summer intern program, where young future officers get hands-on experience as a kind of third lieutenant, under the tutelage of a commissioned officer for three or four weeks. She has also worked as a freelance designer for local musicians and events. Now, that is a perfect resolution. CDT military IDs show geneva convention status 3. That is why cadets dont go to parade rest while talking to NCOs. Saluting a cadet completely invalidates the First Salute ceremony when they commission. Ive been on both sides of the fence. Mainly because I do belive the new generation of officers are a bunch of participation trophy recieving, never held accountable, privileged, idiots who can't handle that all that academy training and degree mean jack shit but to stroke their since of superiority over others. that When in Charge, Be in Charge applies. WO1s even as appointed Officers are subject to all provisions of the UCMJ even art 33. Almost, like her husband, an officer and a lady. Maj. Joel Crawford, USAG West Point Command Sergeant Major by West Point Garrison and Community 2012 - 2014: Col. Dane D. Rideout, USAG West Point Commander by West Point Garrison and Community 1 2012 - 2014 . First, what an insult to a SNCO that instead of a 1SG with 10 plus years of experience leading soldiers in the absence of officers A Cadet would be next in succession. Per the order, they are not entitled to a salute. When I was an O-3, I regularly saluted SGM's first depending on who saw whom first and the nature of the encounter. (3) Senior regularly assigned Army Soldier refers (in order of priority) to officers, WOs, cadets, NCOs, specialists, or privates present for duty unless they are ineligible under paragraphs 2-15 or 2-16. My first platoon leader was OCS, my other two were USMA. While in Iraq in 2003-04 we got a batch of 12 west pointer kids and more than half were momma's boys and short of a huge shift in their personality and ideals, they're too far gone in the head to be respectable leaders. I do not cater to idiots and refuse to acknowledge someone that does not even respect the rank they expect their subordinates to respect. The cadet qualifies here too because s/he is obviously present for duty, as assigned. To this day I credit a lot of the success I had when I went on active duty after I graduated to this great NCO. NCOs are the backbone of the Army and run the Army day to day (as opposed to commanding it). CSM Craven has a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from Colorado Technical University and a Master of Science in Management from Excelsior College. We always give you a chance before we let you sink your career all on your own. *This post originally appeard The Havok Journal * U.S. Army photo by: Mike Strasser/ USMA Public Affairs I was an Air Force Aviation Cadet during the late 1950's. Technically. So I suppose we dont salute appointed Officers either? Allow them to lead you too! Through conversations, we get better LT's coming out of ROTC or NCO's newly converted to O grade.. For lack of official guidance I was assigned as an assistant platoon leader in an Armored Cavalry Company and my platoon sergeant was a former Navy Seal with combat tours in Vietnam (along with other unmentionable places during that conflict). But only a complete cadidiot would get his or her cadet rank confused with an NCOs authority and influence. The first three months were preflight training at Lackland AFB where we were taught basic military skills such as customs and courtesies, UCMJ, drill, Air Force history, parachute training, confidence course, and firearms training. Sergeant First Class Ehrin Anthony joined the West Point Band in August of 2014. I wondered how he, as a senior NCO in a highly specialized unit, felt about having cadets around. During my time in the regulars, I encountered a couple of West Point Grads who, in my opinion had amused contempt for enlisted personnel below the rank of E5. And make it quick Lieutenant. Share on Twitter; Share on Facebook; . In those days once a month you went before the pay officer and received your pay in cash. Command Sergeant Major Michel R. Fraser was born in Wilmington, North Carolina and raised in Conway, South Carolina. . Youre right, Sergeant, a West Point cadet DOES outrank you. Prior to his assignment at West Point, Sergeant Major Schlegel was assigned to the U.S. Army Medical Command Band at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, where he served as the personnel and administration branch chief and performed as principal trumpet in the Concert Band, Jazz Combo, and Rock Band. They aren't commissioned yet, and as pointed out above, they are considered equivalent to an E-5. Production NCO(i overseen what the shift leaders do as far as getting production done (preparing the sustenance for the Airmens consumptioon in accordsnce with AF Standards i showed him the Regs and the Cook production logs the leaders (shiftleader, 1st Cook, Baker Supervisor, bskers) follow at various levels of preparinv the Sustenance.. come from many NCO's who claim that "NCO's are the backbone of the Army". U.S. ARMY INSTALLATION MANAGEMENT COMMAND, "We Are the Army's Home - In 2012, he was awarded a Master of Public Administration from John Jay College in New York, New York, with a concentration in human resources management, and is a member of the Adjutant General Corps Regimental Association. Maj. Michael A. Crosby, left, bears the colors of Army Futures Command, as General Mark Milley, 23rd Secretary of the Army Mark Esper, and General John M. Murray unfurl the colors on 24 August 2018, in Austin, Texas A command sergeant major ( CSM) is a non-commissioned rank and position of office in the United States Army. Every. I hope this sheds some light on things. of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the commissioned corps of the Public Health Service And cadets initiate salutes to any commissioned officer. Coming straight out of a college (any college) prepares you for exactly nothing. Other notable assignments include working within the 2/320th Field Artillery Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, serving as the Artillery Command Sergeant Major, 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Stewart, Georgia, and serving as the Corps G-3 Fires Sergeant Major XVIII Airborne Corps Headquarters at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. I wondered about it at the time and this reminded me of it, is this more of like a courtesy thing where Warrants dont salute each other and shake hands instead? entitled to the salute.". CSM Robert T. Craven hails from Swords, Louisiana and enlisted in the U.S. Army in March 1995. A CSM outranks a SPC, but you never see the latter salute the former. I was wondering if I would have to make mention of the fact that until they are COMMISSIONED Officers, they will remain nothing more than a glorified E-5 NCO pay scale while in USMA. He will appreciate your words the minority view of any situation or story in mos. Only the part of the medical team fall within a strict hierarchy ( just rank! Situation or story should be talking to NCOs Army family regarding Training, experience or anything else yet, ol... My good first Sergeant so I suppose we dont salute appointed officers are subject to provisions! Out there who never learned that even art 33 NCO in theater South Carolina Charge applies laude, fact... Promotion beyond making sure our records are correct not an Infantry officer to. 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