Stand with workers: Educate. of a collective agreement. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
<< /Type /Pages In factthe government has already down-loaded the cost of digital licencing fees to the School Boards. -- Elementary school teachers with the Thames Valley District School Board (TVDSB) have a new contract. This is a firm deadline with no exceptions. As front-line workers in education, it is up to us to advocate for a strong public system and here is the link where you can provide your inputLiberal Party Consultations- the process takes just a few minutes. Thats why the Ottawa Carleton ETFO/FEEO advocates on behalf of all elementary teachers employed by the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board. For more information on these benefits, please contact your TVOT Local at. N.B. HMK1@7N3hU6xZ`v{RHQB>K^xpHM_d As school Boards struggle with stretched budgets due to the heavy demands of the pandemic, t. he government is adamant that it will not provide additional funding for virtual classes next school year. Topics include refusing unsafe work as a Teacher and the complaint process. General Membership Meetings, Treasurer - maintains financial records, pays expenses of the Local as signing officer, drafts ,R%~=}N,B1Qw_T*olksS?v.\o3BL$URi9f%e(OC\]U@5U As the pandemic has drawn on, some workers are exhausting their benefits. endstream The cost is too high for this generation and for those generations to come! /Filter /FlateDecode /Height 850 % If you experience difficulties, do not hesitate to contact your OT Local at or by phone at 519-641-3936. (-ZpMzunqByLJjRJR(Q Sk Fz>f='t!,4d)!K,>K=K:d)%4wQxTMNj8*>y~ojjKD-q-Gf>+]qV=}VxgQiIu==}+x'`DpzO7::M_\;cun`dv6/~VpDs5[|z77L/jzZ'oB_l
j"E ckaqt"YPDy-9}X,' -Zk6r8b)(i^X }.;^{-~&~^X`} kR z `QK.%v Have you considered this area as an eventual career path in teaching? COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT between The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) and The Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario (ETFO) (representing Elementary Occasional Teachers) and Supplementary Information September 1, 2014 August 31, 2019 Q2. Public Input. Medical experts agree that p. rolonged screen time is known to promote eye-fatigue, nearsightedness, isolation and even obesity. ETFO represents approximately 83,000 members that include public elementary teachers, occasional teachers, education support personnel, professional support personnel and designated early childhood educators. It is recommended you consider the needs of the classroom, your relationship with the students and the ties to the curriculum before addressing potentially sensitive topics. Our Board. Virtual learning was meant to be a temporary stop-gap measure and at the time, even the Minister of Education, Stephen Lecce acknowledged this. HIGHLIGHTS OF THE CENTRAL AGREEMENT WITH EDUCATION WORKERS. We cannot allow this to happen. ____________________________________________________________________, For more information visit International Women's Day, ___________________________________________________________, ETFO Thames Valley Occasional Teachers' Local, Under the Ford Government's new proposal to amend the Education Act and make virtual learning permanent, Teachers will be expected to teach/work online from Board sites (no longer restricted by pandemic considerations) and perform regular supervision duties, attend staff meetings etc. ETFO Bluewater Local Office PO Box 56, 340 10th Street East, Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 5P1 Telephone: 519-371-1811 Toll Free: 1-888-866-2358 Fax: 519-371-0523 6 0 obj LTOs in full year, full FTE assignments with a posted end date have access to 11 days sick leave at 100% of your salary. The sites that are taking registrations are blue, will take you to a registration page when you click on them. Letter of Agreement: Filling Mid-Year Vacancies. Local Executive and general membership; conducts annual audits of schools and participates in all 0 .# .#
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In response, the federal government will be extending the provisions under several of the programs for those who are affected by the pandemic: 1) Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit / CRSB. collective !Al,vI:"0!"Doo>`6M7&& DFIPcd|! Remote learning disadvantages these students as well as English Language Learners and Special Education Students. Canadian Union of Public Employees Updates, School Year and Religious Holiday Calendars, Secondary School Grade 8 Information Nights, Academy for Student Athlete Development (ASAD), Co-operative, Internship and Apprenticeship Programs, First Nations, Mtis and Inuit Education (FNMI), International Baccalaureate Diploma Program. March 10th testing is at East Elgin Secondary School; March 11th is at Westminster Secondary; March 17th testing is at Glencoe Secondary School; and March 18th is at A.B. This is where the answers to many >> The Health Perspective: A recent research report from Sick Kids Hospital states: "Full time remote learning is insufficient to meet the needs of Ontario children and youth" The report goes on to say: "One concerning finding for the study team was the significant proportion of otherwise healthy school-age children who experienced deterioration in a number of mental health domains, including depression, anxiety, irritability and attention span." ClickETFO OT Siteto find out more, ________________________________________________, Professional Development Opportunity (unpaid event). stream endobj For more information click hereWorking from Home during Covid 19, __________________________________________. Download PDF. Under the Ford Government's new proposal to amend the Education Act and make virtual learning permanent, Teachers will be expected to teach/work online from Board sites (no longer restricted by pandemic considerations) and perform regular supervision duties, attend staff meetings etc. endobj xY[o9~G?qf_! We champion the cause of excellence in education, providing professional development support for our members. This plan now provides up to 4 weeks of coverage that can be used up to September 25, 2021. 1 0 obj
The Equity Perspective:The pandemic has highlighted the inequalities amongst our student population with regards to their access to devices and reliable internet connectivity and so Boards purchased devices to loan out to students for the duration of the crisis. ;(8Vy
=% ArQ@%~+Iw+"2+rj7 2017 Thames Valley District School Board, 1250 Dundas Street, London, ON N5W 5P2, Phone: (519) 452-2000, Fax: (519) 452-2395. Apply to Become a TVDSB Trustee. The third Monday in February is observed as a regional statutory holiday called Family Day. Participants will receive resources on a USB stick so ensure that your mailing address is accurate in the Employee Portal, including apartment numbers and Postal Codes. During snow days, and when students have prolonged absences from school (vacations etc.) UCDSB/ETFO Collective Agreement September 1, 2019 August 31, 2022 4 20-Apr-2021 PART A CENTRAL TERMS C1.00 STRUCTURE AND CONTENT OF COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT C1.1 Collective Agreement. as if they taught in person classes. Under the Ford Government's new proposal to amend the Education Act and make virtual learning permanent, Teachers will be expected to teach/work online from Board sites (no longer restricted by pandemic considerations) and perform regular supervision duties, attend staff meetings etc. Successful completion was often based on an LTO evaluation. We can fabricate your order with precision and in half the time. The Durham District School Board (DDSB) is responsible for public education in the rural settings of Uxbridge, Brock and Scugog Townships and the urban settings of Ajax, Whitby, Pickering and Oshawa. Our Collective Agreement is divided into 2 parts: Central Part A and Local Part B. Virtual learning was meant to be a temporary stop-gap measure and at the time, even the Minister of Education, Stephen Lecce acknowledged this. PDF Collective Agreement _____ ii) The "entral Parties" shall be defined as the Council of Trustees' Association (TA) and the Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario (ETFO), each being a "entral Party"). Great company and great staff. For more information, contact the Local office at 519-641-3936 or << /Length 138 << /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] COVID-19 ETFO's response to the COVID-19 public health crisis. /Subtype /Image On 4 June, ETFO Thames Valley Teacher Local and TVDSB agreed on a local interim agreement and signed the settlement protocol on 5 June. HPE Draft New Collective Agreement Language 2014-2017. UCDSB/ETFO-UCOT 2014-2017 Collective Agreement 6 C3.6 Notice to Bargain a) Where central bargaining is required under the School Boards Collective Bargaining Act, notice to bargain centrally shall be in accordance with Sections 31 and 28 of that Act, and with Section 59 of the Labour Relations Act. For those who have called to ask about their contribution to Union dues, this information will be listed on the form in Box 44. Collective agreements ResourcesCollective agreements Your collective agreement sets out your rights and responsibilities at work. The new collective agreement is therefore in effect from September 1, 2019 to August 31, 2022. /ImageMask true This years theme is focused o, The third Monday in January is Martin Luther King Jr., Day and Dr. King's words and actions from over 50 years ago, 2023 Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario |. Please not that thesedays are pro-rated for part-time, part year assignments. The Programming Perspective: The government wants to allow third parties such as TVOntario/TVO to prescribe the software and instructional tools under this new proposal, thus eroding the flexibility of School Boards to make this call and further diminishing Teachers' professional judgement to best serve the needs of individual students. >> budget and reports to Executive and membership, Health and Safety Officer - acts as liaison with the Boards Joint Health and Safety Committee, the LSw=Um}v6')|"ZlUCZ?a cJJH+9eLR4hZAKI=N* F-i4%3lJ)^(Jh.OiAio;J$kif*R>c2 kQW@jbfB If you miss the deadline, no payment will be issued. Elections will be held for the following positions (the position of President is a two year term that will come up for election in 2022): First Vice-President assists the President, coordinates preparation of the newsletter, attends /XIPLAYER_CM1 8 0 R The Elementary Teachers of Toronto (ETT) is a Local of the Elementary TeachersFederation of Ontario (ETFO). AGREEMENT Between THE THAMES VALLEY DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD and THE ONTARIO SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHERS' FEDERATION DISTRICT 11 2014 SEPTEMBER 01 TO 2017 CcM%MECyMR)H37\-VDwbCwk]$0>_m"?(~:A$QQnF?[s pz9_o From the beginning of Ford's tenure, this government has made it clear that it intends to redirect the funds that support public education, thus weakening our world class system. endstream {*j0:._
jr5C'9LN }S9t=G 9ql>$ OvrF#.8|OrV^s}uk}]q-?\xguRjot:S Categories include the Elementary Math Curriculum; Virtual Teaching and Learning; Digital Tools and Strategies; Synchronous Learning; Mental Health and Well-being. The report note, With a collective organizing approach, Dr. King wrote, spoke, educated, shared, marched, and stood up for what he b, Registration is now open for our Professional Relations Services women's conference. /DecodeParms [null 7 0 R] For these details go to -, 3) Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit / CRCB:provides income support to those who are unable to work because they must care for a child under 12 years of age or a family member who needs supervised care. Thus informationis availableat the government site:Special Rules for Government Employees, TVDSB Asymptomatic Testing Sites (voluntary). from membership and prepares Local preliminary submission, ETFO Provincial Annual Meeting Alternates (5) pool from which delegate vacancies will be filled; Letters . Teachers would be expected to provide virtual instruction. __________________________________________________. This course qualifies for the TVOT Professional Learning Development Fund/PLDF and the application form is available at . G#:X}0}F@z=LyN }|7tx"dhvW'E%4(OO$Ab"&ji94Lx9#X{\um'-V5W4{o^> F|'`L6P. At this time, there has been no discussion of whether the proposal includes a role for specialized Teachers and Occasional Teachers. TVOT members can participate in the asymptomatic testing that is being conducted for all TVDSB employees. 4 0 obj
During snow days, and when students have prolonged absences from school (vacations etc.) Did you know that ETFO Provincial has a dedicated website of resources for elementary OTs? Following the release of the @PeopleforEd Report on anti-racism policy and implementation across Canada, ETFO calls, ETFO calls for action and commits to working " with governments, school boards, and community partners to protec, "Racism remains a reprehensible, persistent reality in every aspect of society, including our #onted education syst, RT @MediaSmarts: Celebrate the International #DayofEducation on Jan. 24 in your classroom with media literacy! s the pandemic has drawn on, some workers are exhausting their benefits. >> We specialize in fabricating residential and commercial HVAC custom ductwork to fit your home or business existing system. The TVOT Collective Agreement states that LTOs will be paid for scheduled PA Days and will participate according to their FTE. l84z*
}TXD31e8^XI-jG20 [0V';C Letter of Agreement: Process for filling vacancies/September Enrolment Imbalances. __________________________________________________________. Our shop is equipped to fabricate custom duct transitions, elbows, offsets and more, quickly and accurately with our plasma cutting system. ETFO Updates - TVDSB ETFO Updates Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario Updates This page is currently under construction. /Width 1104 ", "Very reliable company and very fast. Look here for resources by subject and information on some of the nuances of occasional teaching. xmg~~~>~~> aQ11 11 ) )YYGY Organize. The central terms are now resolved. In order to complete the collective bargaining process, local terms need to be reached between each school board and its ETFO Teacher and Education Worker bargaining units. The three-year collective agreements will be effective September 1, 2019, through to August 31, 2022. >> as if they taught in person classes. This page is currently under construction. For more information just click, ______________________________________________________________________, As you will see in the list of pay dates in your TVOT pocket calendars, there is no pay allotted for statutory holidays. 136 Isabella Street, Toronto, ON M4Y 0B5; Phone: 416-962-3836; Toll Free: 1-888-838-3836; Fax: 416-642-2424, Bill 115 Charter Challenge Remedy Decision. Please know that Administrators are not experts on our TVOT Collective Agreement, so you may need to remind them of this right. Secondary Teachers - Agreement 2019 - 2022 Contact Lambton Kent District School Board Chatham: 519-354-3770Sarnia: 519-336-1500Toll Free: o o a o o. m 0 m z a C 2. a Z 0 Z o Z 9 s o. Public Speaking Workshop; Health Conference for Men; Statutory Pay for LTOs; Asymptomatic Testing for Covid-19; LTO Evaluations Unnecessary; Public Consultations; Strike Pay Deadline; ETFO Provincial Workshops, No "Bait and Switch" Assignments; LTOs and PD Days; Resources for ETFO OTs; PD event. With the demand for French immersion classes growing by almost 6% a year, this useful site sets out the path and provides resources for those wishing to help fill the need. Please subscribe to the page to be notified of updates. YX98 3707 0 obj
/MediaBox [0 0 792 612] It is recognized by this agreement to be the duty of the Employer, the Union and the Employees to cooperate fully, individually and collectively for the advancement of the %PDF-1.7
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endobj Heres where to start: https, With all the challenges and the tough economic times that have so many struggling, the @ETFOpresident shares a reas, RT @ETFOpresident: If we have learned anything from the for profit long-term care sector its that transparency, staffing levels and the qu, RT @ETFOpresident: Martin Luther King Jr encouraged all of us to dream of a better day, one where there was social and racial justice. Read the document "Collective agreement 2019" and. The Bluewater Teacher Local is an affiliate of the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario (ETFO) and as such is a professional organization committed to protecting and supporting the rights of all its members while promoting excellence in publicly-funded education in Ontario. If you have any questions about your treatment under the Download PDF. @^}-MaaTv!! Teachers are encouraged to subscribe on this site so as to receive email alerts when new webinars are posted. <>
Thus informationis availableat the government site, As front-line workers in education, it is up to us to advocate for a strong public system and here is the link where you can provide your input. Ever, We absolutely agree! /ColorSpace /DeviceGray We recommend updating your browser to its most recent version at your earliest convenience. %PDF-1.4 In response, the federal government will be extending the provisions under several of the programs for those who are affected by the pandemic: 1) Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit / CRSB:provides income support to those who are unable to work because they are sick or isolating due to Covid-19 or who are unable to work because they are at greater risk of contracting the disease because of an underlying medical condition. However, in some of the school authorities there may be two or more As a result, parts of the site may not function properly for you. endobj
<< /Type /Page 4 0 obj You can also access recordings of previous webinars and self-guided learning modules by clicking here. %
The Federal government has a new tax credit this year that may be of use to ETFO members who have had to work from home. << /Length 15759 /Filter /JBIG2Decode 274. >> /Height 1294 Please turn on JavaScript and try again. The workshop will be held March 31/21 via Zoom from 4:30pm - 7:00 pm and enrollment is limited. To register email us at and include your full mailing address. 7 0 obj a virtual meeting this year to be held in mid-August. Visit the Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario website. Elementary Teachers of Toronto 2023 All Rights Reserved. We promote the highest standards of professional ethics. /Kids [4 0 R 12 0 R 18 0 R 24 0 R 41 0 R 57 0 R 63 0 R 69 0 R 75 0 R 82 0 R 89 0 R 96 0 R 102 0 R 108 0 R 114 0 R 120 0 R 127 0 R 133 0 R 139 0 R 146 0 R 152 0 R 159 0 R 166 0 R 172 0 R 178 0 R 185 0 R 192 0 R 198 0 R 205 0 R 212 0 R 219 0 R 227 0 R 235 0 R 242 0 R 250 0 R 258 0 R 264 0 R 270 0 R 276 0 R 282 0 R 288 0 R 295 0 R 301 0 R 307 0 R 313 0 R 319 0 R 326 0 R 335 0 R 341 0 R 347 0 R 355 0 R 362 0 R 368 0 R 375 0 R] If you are owed strike pay from 2020, you have until March 20, 2021 to let us know. Collective Agreements. ETFO THAMES VALLEY OCCASIONAL TEACHERS' LOCAL, Why Making Virtual Learning Permanent, Concerns Us -. Unfortunately this will again be a virtual event but we look forward to meeting many of you that day and listening to your issues. Since Reg. Protect. 1 0 obj Visit the Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario website. /Parent 2 0 R xu1DzQMI''sM{ [ {|P,D`,=.UkOmw!\{79 FZ &AiI9rr+fSYbW*? The government wants to allow third parties such as TVOntario/TVO to prescribe the software and instructional tools under this new proposal, thus eroding the flexibility of School Boards to make this call and further diminishing Teachers' professional judgement to best serve the needs of individual students. ___________________________________________________________________, ___________________________________________________________________________, - if you are directed by the Health Unit to quarantine/self-isolate because of exposure at school, you will be paid during quarantine, based on your average work over the previous 4 weeks, - if you are directed by the Health Unit to quarantine/self-isolate because of exposure at school, code your absence as QUARANTINE and you will be paid with no loss of sick days, - if you fail the self-attestation, code your absence as COVID Personal Sick Absence and you will be paid with deduction of your available sick days, - if your child has been directed to quarantine/self-isolate, LTOs may now code their absence as QUARANTINE and you will be paid during this period with no loss of sick days. Teachers are exempt from parts of the EmploymentStandards Act and as such, neither permanentTeachersnor LTOs are entitled to pay for any statutory holidays. /Filter [/FlateDecode /DCTDecode] Register for School. On tvdsB`s websites and social media, you can Why not join your Executive team and find out what is going on you can make a difference! ETFO 2017-2019 Teacher/Occasional Teacher Extension Agreement. The cost is too high for this generation and for those generations to come! >> Why Virtual Learning Should Not Be Permanent; Board sponsored Math AQ course; Call for Vision Teachers; Your T4, Federal Benefits Extended; New Covid Resources for Teachers; Sick Leave for LTOs; TVOT Annual Meeting,,,, endstream
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ETFO calls for action, investment, accountability to address racism in education system, Joint Statement: Ontario College of Teachers Fee Increase, ETFO, other unions win major Charter challenge victory, Bill 124 declared unconstitutional, ETFO responds to Ontario governments fall economic statement. The Bluewater Teacher Local is comprised of over 700 members employed as elementary teachers by the Bluewater District School Board. In Conclusion: Generations of us have seen how students flourish in bricks and mortar schools. PDF ETFO (Elementary Teachers) Salary Grid THE THAMES VALLEY DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD and THE ELEMENTARY TEACHERS' FEDERATION OF ONTARIO THAMES VALLEY TEACHER LOCAL 2014 SEPTEMBER 01 TO 2017 AUGUST 31 This Collective Agreement, hereinafter referred to as the Agreement, is made this 4th day of December 2015. endobj endobj
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/BitsPerComponent 1 Collective Agreement Between The Thames Valley District School Board and Continuing Education Instructors (Represented by) Ontario Secondary Teachers Federation Term of Agreement: 2014 September 01 to 2017 August 31 With the 2017 September 01 to 2019 August 31 Extension Attached We build each students tomorrow, every day LuK4skS
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tudents flourish in bricks and mortar schools. Schools cannot arbitrarily switch assignments outside of these negotiated terms. /XIPLAYER_CM2 10 0 R Employee Portal. >> I would recommend them to everyone who needs any metal or Fabrication work done. stream ?_gm$/#+zqj5>mN i/I,>u{Tt.- wjG})zWb-dEhQ Y The Ontario Federation of Labour has just released a new resource which clarifies workers rights under the Occupational Health and Safety Act during this pandemic. Log into the Employee Portal for access to your 2020 T4 from TVDSB. Tuesday evening, the TVDSB's Board of Trustees voted and Did you know that Occasional Teachers can retire and remain on the OT Roster? Just a reminder to members that the Local will be holding our Annual Membership Meeting after school on Wednesday, May 19th. As the largest education union in Canada, ETFO actively supports and works with teacher federations, the Ontario Federation of Labour and Canadian Labour Congress to promote union and workers' rights and to advance a social justice agenda, including advocating for progressive policies to counter income inequality as well as promoting strong public services. 7/14/2020 12:37:36 PM. The below PDF document is the 20192022 Collective Agreement between the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) and the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario (ETFO or ETT). he pandemic has highlighted the inequalities amongst our student population with regards to their access to devices and reliable internet connectivity and so Boards purchased devices to loan out to students for the duration of the crisis. attend virtual classrooms would be at the discretion of the parents. Download DOC. <>
For more information on these benefits, please contact your TVOT Local at or 519-641-3936. The option toattend virtual classrooms would be at the discretion of the parents. Download PDF. Remote learning disadvantages these students as well as English Language Learners and Special Education Students. - worked from home in 2020 due to Covid-19 or their employer required them to work from home; - worked more than 50% of the time from home for a period of at least 4 consecutive weeks in 2020; - the expenses are used directly in their work during the period; - have a completed and signed T22000S or T2200 (applicable if using the detailed method to complete the claim). Here is a link from TVDSB to find out more aboutthe role of a Vison Resource Teacher. Click, The Ontario Ministry of Education provides ministry-funded webinars and resources for Ontario educators online. committees, Second Vice-President - assists the President and First Vice-President and acts as liaison to the When Regulation 274 was the law, those on the LTO List who had successfully completed a long-term assignment of 4 months or longer became eligible for a permanent position. endstream
Great people and the best standards in the business. /Resources 3 0 R Design by, Grievance AdvisoryDeferred Salary Leaves. ETFO is a social justice and equity seeking organization. 3 0 obj _________________________________________________________. of women and girls, and recognition of the work that still remains. Executive, Chief Negotiator - negotiates the collective agreement; maintains agreement and reports to In all other cases, TVOT members have a right to the assignment that they accepted in good faith - a right the Local has affirmed through the grievance process. The workshop will be held March 31/21 via Zoom from 4:30pm - 7:00 pm and enrollment is limited. stream C3.20 Term of Agreement a) In accordance with Section 41(1) of the School Boards Collective Bargaining Act, the term of this collective agreement, including central terms and local terms, shall be for a period of three (3) years from September 1, 2014 to August 31, 2017, inclusive. C3.30 Where Term Less Than Agreement Term The below PDF document is the 20192022 Collective Agreement between the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) and the Elementary Teachers as if they taught in person classes. applicable training, Executive Members at Large (4) great learning position with duties as determined by the %%EOF
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Of whether the proposal includes a role for specialized teachers and Occasional teachers Federation...
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