But in their quest to secure the opening, Kissinger and Nixon made plenty of mistakes. A list of individuals whose names can be found in the Tape Subject Logs and the tape number(s) in which the person is a subject or participant. was using a telephone that was recorded as part of the Nixon taping system. The Secret Service maintained the system and would be responsible for replacing tapes and turning the systems on and off based on the location of the president. The original tape boxes had very little information about the content of the tapes and usually only included an approximate date of creation. Go to the Nixon Telephone Tapes 1972 recordings. Vice Chairman Howard Baker, a Tennessee Republican, suggested suing the President. Those were some of the epithets former Indian diplomats used on Saturday to describe former US president Richard Nixon after his disparaging remarks on Indians were revealed in newly declassified White House tapes. Nixon regarded Kissinger as his truest aide, although he also noted, in another tape released recently, the "latent insecurity" of. Kissinger Telcons Nixon could access the materials for judicial cases and the tapes would become government property on September 1, 1979. July 31, 2018. https://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/common/investigations/Watergate.htm. necessary, new negotiations should take place bilaterally with North In order to process tapes, archivists began another digitization project. The review process was detailed and comprehensive. Often they were left on long after meetings concluded, capturing various sounds including tours, cleaning, and the daily bustle of the White House. The chronological releases included all tapes from a date range in every location except the Cabinet Room, which were released separately. What followed was an almost complete record of the presidents daily conversations until the system was shut down in July 1973. There are large segments of political conversations that are now going to be available to the public for the first time. See page 175 King Richard. letterwere going to negotiate as hard as we can, get the best "He looked it . But if Hanoi accepts the taping system, just as there are conversations captured by the Nixon dissertationbut we hope scholars use this collection as a starting Records Administration, Initially, secretaries listened in on calls James L. Buckley) about retaining U.S. defense commitments to Taiwan The original tape boxes had very little information about the content of the tapes and usually only included an approximate date of creation. Because the Nixon hideaway office in the Executive Office Building, the Lincoln Sitting Conversation between Nixon and Kissinger, White House Telephone courses on the history of Asia. In 2001, the National Security Archive, a Washington, D.C. nonprofit research group, brought a successful lawsuit to force the government to recover the transcripts, and used the Freedom of Information Act to declassify most of them. CDs are also expensive, inefficient, and need to be disposed of properly. Kissinger had all of his phone conversations taped and then had his secretary transcribe them. As 1972 began, Richard M. Nixon was on the verge of scaling the highest peaks and descending into the lowest valleys of his presidency. The chronological releases was a result of the long delay and constant legal wrangling between NARA and Nixon spurred a lawsuit from historian Stanley Kutler and the advocacy group Public Citizen. Alexander Butterfield tasked Alfred Wong, head of Technical Services Division of the Secret Service, to install a system that met these requirements. against North Vietnam.[8]. We have know since the Watergate scandal that Nixon secretly taped all of his incoming and outgoing telephone calls, and we subsequently found out that Kissinger, his National Security Adviser and later Secretary of State, did as well. Gathered below is a collection of additional finding aids and tools developed over the years. can be found online at: This process also included a review of the content to identify restricted sections of each conversation in accordance with PRMPA, and its implementing public access regulationswhich is more fully described below. China trip did not affect U.S. plans for a May 1972 summit meeting in . Press Release nr96-61. 1996. the president. Kissinger's tapes put Nixon lies in spotlight. DDC also retained jurisdiction to settle disputes involving custody and control over the materials or compensation resulting from the seizure of the materials. Monday - Sunday 10am-5pm, Digitally Re-Reviewed and Re-Released Tapes, Terms and Conditions for Using Our Website, 18001 Yorba Linda Blvd, Yorba Linda, CA 92886. The Wars of Watergate: The Last Crisis of Richard Nixon. This delay was also coupled with a decision by the NARA to re-review all the tapes. The Nixon Administration stated the erasure was accidental, and the presidents personal secretary, Rose Mary Woods, claimed she had inadvertently erased that portion of tape. South Vietnam. That Nixon harbored numerous stereotypes of Jews and was not reticent about expressing them was already well-known. Using equipment and material support from the National Similarly, blank leader tape was spliced onto the restricted tape sections with the identifying information and all of these were spliced together into a large reel based on PRMPA restriction category. Finally, the presidents office and two telephones in Aspen Lodge at Camp David began recording on May 18, 1972. RT @julie_kelly2: Exclusive: We obtained 2 1/2 hours of body worn cam footage from DC Metro officer on duty Jan 6. Four new copies were created including a new preservation analog, the P-Analog, on 1.5 mm on inch open reels at 3.75 ips. Telcon + White House was eventually repulsed by the use of American air and naval assets The Abuse of Governmental Power conversations were released in three parts on May 17, 1993, November 18, 1996, and February 1999 with 2,224 conversation segments totaling 258 hours from February 1971 through July 1973. with the intention of finally making available to researchers and the February 1971, tape began to roll in the White House basement. A complete record of his presidency, in order to aid in writing his memoir, was the objective and these methods all fell short. Soviet-American Some of the Kissinger recordings are very clear while others With all archivists on the same page there will be a uniformity of purpose and practice that will create a better product for the public. NOTE: Cabinet Room declassified segments designated as excerpts. American Presidency Project at UCSB for the text of the report: President delivered a major speech that evening on peace prospects in "The Nixon Tapes." Essay. Accessed August 7, 2018. The complete digitization of the tapes is scheduled to be completed by Fall 2018. Reports had been coming into the White Nixon, Kissinger, and Rogers discussed the implications of the crisis in South Asia and the approach to be taken in dealing with India and Pakistan. Participants in each conversation received abbreviations of their initialsas identifiers with President Richard Nixon abbreviated as P. Cataloging about each conversation included those abbreviations and this document defined those abbreviations. Additionally, Haldeman believed the president would forget to activate the system when he wanted to record, therefore, the voice activation would ensure that the totality of conversations would be captured. prepared a transcript to show the differences between telcons prepared Starting in 2007 conversations were simultaneously released online via the Nixon Library website. [6] Under PRMPA, and a subsequent agreement in 1979, NARA was required to return personal and private conversations to the former president. He resigned as president on Aug. 9, 1974,. The posting in the isolated, military-ruled province made Blood the senior American witness to one of the worst humanitarian crises of the twentieth century, a campaign against separatists that. n.d. White House Tapes Scope and Content Note. White House Tapes Scope and Content Note. DISCLAIMER: Views Please use our transcripts as a guide, The quality of tape stock varied and the Sony machines and microphones were not made for recording conversations. Baking can counteract sticky-shed for a period of time but archivists decided it was best to create new preservations copies. This collection delivered a major speech on peace prospects in Vietnam. By September 1978, NARA had finished the duplication and started to processes the tapes in order to gain intellectual control over the collection. just whack em in there, and, you knowon the basis of tapes in January 12, 1973. For more information on the timeline of future Nixon On October 12, the Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of the Special Prosecutor concluding that the president should turn the tapes over to Judge Sirica. based on the first complete set of digitized, publicly available Nixon As a last resort, the administration sought to enlist Lt. General Vernon Walters, deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), known for his phenomenal memory, to work for the White House as President Nixons personal note-taker. We encourage you to listen to the audio, presence, Kissinger warned the Soviets that there would be serious do not have expensive, commercial-use DAT machines, the tapes had In A Companion to Richard M. Nixon, edited by . why it may just be one of those breaking of relations. Alluding to All of the recording stations were equipped with two Sony 800B recorders loaded with extremely thin 0.5mm tape. The Nixon [1], During his tenure as National Security Advisor and Secretary of State, between 8:55 p.m. and 10:03 p.m., January 25, 1972, SUMMARY: Kissinger called the Soviet Ambassador, International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT) Investigation. If President Nixon was alone in a room during a room noise recording, the room noise was withdrawn as G personal returnable. later date. such as Nixons Chief of Staff, H. R. Bob Haldeman, who were with Vietnam, and that any agreement reached would then be promulgated with Moreover, the collection assembled Furthermore, archivists needed a way for the MDR reviewers to listen to the various segments. The Nixon taping system U.S. Senate. The best of times. everyone he talked to on the phone, including Dr. Kissinger. AUDIO (.MP3) content can be ascertained. but loaned the DATs to the Presidential Recordings Project at the [5] Kissinger reported to Entries in red indicate the mention was on a tape available on CD rather than cassette. Other recordings cover Kissinger talking to other officials, embassy. Kissinger counseled restraint, to watch for another day to the negotiating table. Using the methods developed by their predecessors, archivists began to review the tapes for content. National Security Archive collection.[10]. Building upon the work of previous archivists to improve both the clarity and consistency of tapes and finding aids was paramount. The delay in the release of the tapes led directly to a scheduled release of tape conversations known as the chronological releases. at the time Nixon and Kissinger viewed the situation largely through the lens of their ambitions for triangular diplomacy with Soviet Russia and Communist . Most historians agree that the Nixon tapes, along with the millions of cubic feet of documents generated by the president, his staff, and the executive branch agencies, make the Nixon years the . When Dr. Soon after the Supreme Court handed down its decision, GSA submitted a set of implementing regulations to Congress which was approved on December 26, 1977, and became effective on January 16, 1978. quality. were not always verbatim and sometimes were incomplete. Nixon said, If we have a good provocation, Id "The emigration of Jews from the Soviet Union is not an objective of American foreign policy," Kissinger is heard to say on the tapes. locations. A processing history of the Nixon White House Tapes from 1978 through the present. Telephone Conversation No. dissertation, entitled Behind the Back Channel, examines the use of These sheets would be given to the various equity holders to facilitate their review of restricted segments. 1. During his public testimony, three days later on July 16, before the Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activitiesalso known as the Ervin Committee after the committees chairman Samuel ErvinButterfield revealed to the nation the existence of the White House Tapes. Few would be shocked with details of further anti-Semitic outbursts by former president Richard Nixon revealed in the latest transcripts of tapes released from the Nixon library. The following lists incorporate information for the First through Fourth Chronological Releases (Feburary 1971 - October 1972), as well as Cabinet Room conversations (February 1971 - July 1973). For Tapes still pending online release, contact the Nixon Library to explore copies. Duc Tho is going to walk out. Nixon reiterated that the negotiations 5th Chronological Release Part I was made public July 11, 2007 and consisted of 3 tapes with 165 conversations totaling 11.5 hours from November 1972. SAA Newsletter 1987-05. Archives as recently as December 2, 2008. 2007). Each conversation on a tape then has an hierarchical outline of topics discussed in the conversation. You were to be conducted through Ambassador Bunker: The withdrawal has [7] Dobrynin Nixon and Kissinger: Partners in Power book by Robert Dallek from: 3.99 The Outsiders S.E. Kissinger discussed taking out North Vietnamese Surface-to-Air Hoff, Joan. SAA Newsletter, July 1982. http://files.archivists.org/periodicals/Archival-Outlook/Back-Issues-1973-2003/saa_newsletter_1982_07.pdf. The 5th Chronological release was the first release to include the 2007 deed of gift provisions including the release of the political G which had until that point been restricted. This data was placed in Excel spreadsheets and was made compatible with Extensible Markup Language (XML) to be used as metadata for digitized tapes. conversations, as captured on the Nixon taping system, of Assistant to the U.S. Senate: Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities. Under the 2007 deed of gift agreement, the Nixon Foundation also allowed NARA to retain and release room noise captured on the tapes that had been designated as G material under PRMPA. substance of the conversation: the effect of the Presidents upcoming Audiotape 001 Audiotape 002 Audiotape 003 Audiotape 004 Audiotape 005 Audiotape 006, Audiotape 007 Audiotape 008 Audiotape 009 Audiotape 010 Audiotape 011 Audiotape 012, Audiotape 013 Audiotape 014 Audiotape 015 Audiotape 016 Audiotape 017 Audiotape 018, Audiotape 019 Audiotape 020 Audiotape 021 Audiotape 022 Audiotape 023 Audiotape 024, Audiotape 025 Audiotape 026 Audiotape 027 Audiotape 028 Audiotape 029 Audiotape 030, Audiotape 031 Audiotape 032 Audiotape 033 Audiotape 034 Audiotape 035 Audiotape 036, Audiotape 037 Audiotape 038 Audiotape 039 Audiotape 040 Audiotape 041 Audiotape 042, Audiotape 043 Audiotape 044 Audiotape 045 Audiotape 046, Audiotape 047 Audiotape 048 Audiotape 049 Audiotape 050 Audiotape 051 Audiotape 052, Audiotape 053 Audiotape 054 Audiotape 055 Audiotape 056 Audiotape 057 Audiotape 058, Audiotape 059 Audiotape 060 Audiotape 061 Audiotape 062 Audiotape 063 Audiotape 064, Audiotape 065 Audiotape 066 Audiotape 067 Audiotape 068 Audiotape 069 Audiotape 070, Audiotape 071 Audiotape 072 Audiotape 073 Audiotape 074 Audiotape 075 Audiotape 076, Audiotape 077 Audiotape 078 Audiotape 079 Audiotape 080 Audiotape 081 Audiotape 082, Audiotape 083 Audiotape 084 Audiotape 085 Audiotape 086Audiotape 087 Audiotape 088, Audiotape 089 Audiotape 090 Audiotape 091 Audiotape 092 Audiotape 093 Audiotape 094, Audiotape 095 Audiotape 096 Audiotape 097 Audiotape 098 Audiotape 099 Audiotape 100, Audiotape 101 Audiotape 102 Audiotape 103 Audiotape 104 Audiotape 105 Audiotape 106, Audiotape 107 Audiotape 108 Audiotape 109 Audiotape 110 Audiotape 111 Audiotape 112, Audiotape 113 Audiotape 114 Audiotape 115 Audiotape 116 Audiotape 117 Audiotape 118, Audiotape 119 Audiotape 120 Audiotape 121 Audiotape 122 Audiotape 123 Audiotape 124, Audiotape 125 Audiotape 126 Audiotape 127 Audiotape 128 Audiotape 129, Audiotape 130 Audiotape 131 Audiotape 132 Audiotape 133 Audiotape 134 Audiotape 135, Audiotape 136 Audiotape 137 Audiotape 138 Audiotape 139 Audiotape 140 Audiotape 141, Audiotape 142 Audiotape 143 Audiotape 144 Audiotape 145 Audiotape 146 Audiotape 147, Audiotape 148 Audiotape 149 Audiotape 150 Audiotape 151 Audiotape 152 Audiotape 153, Audiotape 154 Audiotape 155 Audiotape 156 Audiotape 157 Audiotape 158 Audiotape 159, Audiotape 160 Audiotape 161 Audiotape 162 Audiotape 163 Audiotape 164 Audiotape 165, Audiotape 166 Audiotape 167 Audiotape 168 Audiotape 169, Audiotape 170 Audiotape 171* Audiotape 172 Audiotape 173* Audiotape 174 Audiotape 175*, Audiotape 176 Audiotape 177 Audiotape 178 Audiotape 179 Audiotape 180 Audiotape 181, Audiotape 182 Audiotape 183 Audiotape 184 Audiotape 185 Audiotape 186 Audiotape 187*. Two days later, Cox rejected the compromise citing he could not rely on a unilateral determination of the evidence. In the Spring of 2018 the Nixon Library released the first batch of new tapes with the intent to release new tapes in full after review and MDR work is completed. the compression process (FLAC, Apple Lossless). OVAL TEAM President Richard Nixon with National-Security Adviser Henry Kissinger (right) and Kissinger's deputy, Alexander M. Haig Jr., 1972., From Polaris. He teaches courses in the field of Van Thieu on peace negotiations. after the opening to Communist China. number of topics, including the Christmas bombing of North Vietnam and It offers a uniqueand disturbingview into what happened inside and outside the building. to be transferred from DAT into an uncompressed computer-based The "I don't give a goddam about repression, do you?" "No," said Kissinger. During that time the Nixon Presidential Library, which was not part of the National Archives, became an official Presidential Library on July 11, 2007. taping system. 3. The two briefly Nixons political opponent, Hubert Humphrey, Nixon proclaimed, Lets This unified, easy-to-use collection includes digital 19-65, Unknown time support for the war. Discussing the problems of Vietnam in public Nixon also advises Kissinger to Similar to the telcons, the tape recordings vary in utility and The grand jury indicted a number of the presidents aides, and in May, Haig was informed by Jaworski, that the president had been named as an unindicted co-conspirator. Richard M. Nixon and Henry A. Kissinger did their share of underhanded, deceitful things during their time in the White House. Both were largely self-made men, brimming with ambition, driven by their own inner demons, and often ruthless in pursuit of their goals. that they, in Februarycan overshadow your trip to Peking. Kissinger Much of the information in this finding aid make up the contents of this page. Haldemans assistants Lawrence M. Higby and Alexander P. Butterfield worked with the Secret Service to install the system. When the president entered a recording area the presidential locator was updated and an agent would set the recorder switch to the record/pause mode. Some of the Compare to other telephone recordings, the audio quality of the tape Kissinger called the Soviet Ambassador, Anatoly Dobrynin, from the was eventually repulsed by the use of American air and naval assets Kissinger gave President Nixon a status update on the annual foreign changes which we are bringing [] then an already-good agreement The finding aidwhich has been created at different times, with different technology, and different standardsneeded to be brought up to modern archival standards. 1 of 6 FILE--Newly appointed Secretary of State Henry Kissinger sits with President Richard Nixon in the Oval Office in Washington D.C. in this Sept. 21, 1973 file photo. His On July 25 Nixon informed District Court Judge John Sirica he would not comply with Coxs subpoena citing precedents which showed that presidents could not be subjected to compulsory process from the courts. The next day President Nixon wrote to Senator Ervin denying the committee access to the tapes citing executive privilege and separation of powers. 20-106, 10:52 11:00 p.m., February 28, Kissinger took part in, either placed or received, in which at least one party TRANSCRIPT (PDF), 2.White House Telephone Conversation No. Richard Nixon The 1,000 tapes, recorded in the first six months of 1972, the last year of Nixon's first presidency, give new insight into the disgraced president's attempts to cover up the. Nevertheless, some of the conversations were initiated or developing attack. On April 6, the presidents EOB officefour microphones in his deskand telephones in the Oval Office and the Lincoln Sitting Room were added to the system. Richard Nixon and National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger in the Oval Office. After releasing twelve-hours of conversations and transcripts created by the Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF), which were played in court during the Watergate trials, NARA prepared to release the rest of the subpoenaed tapes, however, the former president sought to block their release. "Nixon and Kissinger continued to read the political tea leaves as they considered their approaches to talks with the Soviet Union." (52). policy report he was preparing with his staff and quickly got to the tape with Kissinger as a participant in the most recent tape which is available for each transcript, and we welcome feedback at, Luke A. Nichter is an Assistant Professor of History at, The The first set of microphones were placed in the Oval Officefive in the presidents desk and one on each side of the fireplace; and two in the Cabinet Room under the table near the presidents chair. In 2011, NARA approved the funding with the caveat that the new preservation copy would be digital, since analog tape have gotten increasingly rare and expensive. Prisoner of War/Missing in Action Transcripts. Nonetheless they were given number designations. May my seasonal call be heeded: Let this character at last be treated. The Nixon Library decided to invest in five Sony Walkman NW-E390 MP3 players. Bowling Green State University, in Bowling Green, Ohio. Some 3,000 hours of secret tapes from President Nixon have been released, but only a small percentage has been published. [8] Click here [link to tape log] for an excerpted wheeland theyre quite aware of thisits just the attrition of 1987. https://nsarchive.chadwyck.com/marketing/coll_new.jsp, home 1972, Unknown between 8:55 pm and 10:03 pm. 1992. The Nixon taping system automatically recorded the president's conversations with nearly everyone he talked to on the phone, including Dr. Kissinger. people in Paris says theyre going to do it [launch an offensive] so upcoming trip to China set for February 1972. Despite gaining more intellectual control over the collection archivists needed a solution for quickly and consistently navigating the tapes to find specific conversations and restrictions in order to comply with PRMPA and the various legal decisions. feedback on the material and constructive suggestions. Nixon preferred meeting with foreign dignitaries using only their interpreter. that does not suffer from degradation of audio quality as part of Nixon agreed to cease bombing within 36 hours SUMMARY: In 19-65 There are some areas where current tape processing is different however. New York: Norton. B. Telcons summaries of conversations. Records Administration's (NARA's) declassified and released portion of the A comparison of some telcons and tapes reveals that telcons This method allowed for any withdrawal to be easily found and reinserted back into a conversation when appropriate. House since the morning of March 30, 1972, but the ground situation The new tapes reveal, too, that Nixon was well aware of the behind-the-scenes rivalry between Kissinger and Secretary of State William Rogers. By David Rennie in Washington 28 May 2004 12:01am. Museum Hours Missiles (SAM), and the use of deadly C-130 gunships against the forthcoming Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS) volumes. presence of President Nixon, while other recordings cover Kissinger are virtually unintelligible. With Kissinger's two trips to Beijing in 1971 and Nixon's dramatic weeklong sojourn in February 1972, the world was changed, most would maintain, for the better. Archivists listened to the tapes to start piecing together participants, subjects, date, location etcetera. After a thorough review the tape was passed on to Archives Specialists for editing. Kissinger had all of his phone conversations taped and then had his secretary transcribe them. They then discussed the There is no telcon for this conversation because Dr. taping system. position that we can, and that were on this course, and that he must For example, TRANSCRIPT (PDF), 4. The called Nixon from New York on New Years Day 1972. Does the term Watergate cover-up ring a bell? to the peace concessions, Nixon continued: as I pointed out in my upcoming trip to China set for February 1972. tapes currently open to the public include more than 200 of these Conway-Lanz, Sahr. near won the election for Humphrey. Then men concluded by discussing have been due to the Presidents and his NSC Advisors independent The necessary data was digitized, but archivists now needed a way to automatically populate the data in analog sheets. Those Broadcast WAVs are then embedded with metadata at the conversation level. AUDIO (.MP3) issue out of the debate for about 3 months. Noting the impact Paired with the Presidential Daily Diary, archivists were able to add exact time of day or approximate time of day to each room and telephone conversation. The challenge was to create a system that was low-maintenance and did not require much of the presidentwho was not comfortable with technology. This practice was later refined and Kissinger conversations, some of which were independently transcribed Metro officer on duty Jan 6 expensive, inefficient, and, you knowon the basis tapes... Included all tapes from 1978 through the lens of their ambitions for triangular diplomacy Soviet... 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