Erythrina Muhuti The Dasenach people are primarily agro-pastoral with a few entrepreneurial undertakings. The forest is. Second, some names of the veg are defined with ethnic origins in brackets and others are not, why? Sweet Potato Leaves Sweet Potato Leaves (Photo by katorisi (Own work) [ GFDL or CC BY 3.0 ], via Wikimedia Commons) 6. The wood is suitable for timber (construction) musical implements, weapons, and firewood. The tribe's Bantu roots also play a crucial role in the constitution of the Swahili language. Required fields are marked *, All content from Agricultural Biodiversity Weblog, Powered byWPtouch Mobile Suite for WordPress, January 8, 2010 29 comments. The tree has cleaning, antimicrobial properties to it that fight fungi and bacteria. Ash - a traditional woodland species 2. "Almost everything here in the forest, including what are now large trees over 20 metres high, has been planted since 2000, and we've seen a big increase in biodiversity," says Nicholson. Kenya's unique flora is widely distributed all across the country. - Wangari Maathai Kenya has a small area of reserved forest estate (about 7%). The tribe has strongly upheld its culture and have long maintained the Sunni Islam religion despite influence from their neighbours. Unlike some other tribes, Luos do not have a tradition of circumcising their males but instead used to remove 6 teeth from their lower jaw. Africa is the second-largest continent on the planet and is home to millions of plant species. Hey, could you help me with names of those trees (they are all used for building dhows in Kenya): muangati, nguvi, kelekele, nimhtree, mugambo, bambaro. It is found on the hillsides of Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Meru, the Pare Mountains, and the Chyulu Hills. Use it to answer the Question that follows. The chameleon is used in the international pet trade . The Borana people occupy the northern Kenya region, particularly Marsabit, Moyale and Garissa. Some of these plants are endemic to the country. The Walwana can be predominantly found in Bomet county. Answers (1) The map below shows the physical region of Kenya . Its bark is primarily thick and scaly, but other species have thin and flaky barks. Indigenous Fruit Trees and Nutrition in Kenya Women marcotting a fruit tree. Dutchman's breeches ( Dicentra cucullaria): zones 3 to 7. Kakamega Forest in Western Kenya. Every subtribe reserved a sacred place called Kaya for rituals and sacrifices. It is easy to split it, and the good thing about it is that it resists decay. Besides sugarcane and cotton farming, Luos are skilled fishermen and are known to favour ugali and fish as their staple food. Some of these plants are endemic to the country. The tribe communicates in the Oromo language and centres its economy on animals such as cows, sheep, and goats. Kenya's indigenous women are confronted by multifaceted social, cultural, economic and political constraints and challanges. Article 63 of the Constitution of Kenya guarantees the rights of communities to their lands and territories. We planted trees on behalf of the community to address issues of conservation and address issues of food security through agroforestry to conserve the environmental and increase food produce. & milne-redh. She said locals have been removing indigenous plants from their settlements and growing exotic trees like cypress and blue gum for commercial purposes, because they mature faster. Bullfighting is still an iconic sport amongst the tribe. The Luo community spreads wide in the East African community with a presence in Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Congo, Sudan, and Uganda. At night the forest is a different world, the air filled with bats and ringing with the sounds of frogs, night birds and the booming call of the giant forest squirrel. Posted in Kenya. Such extensive indigenous knowledge of the medicinal uses of the plants, including their distribution trends in the forest, may be tapped for decision support in rural health service planning, policy formulation for conserving the forest, tracking and mitigation of . In addition to Prunus africana (mueri in Kikuyu), Mr Kirichu (thats him on the left in the picture below) also has muna (Aningeria), mutamayo (Olea), mukoe (Dombeya), pondo and mukima (not sure what these are maybe someone out there can help me?). The trees it self can grow quite fast. It has also prevented them from having a voice to inform and influence cultural and political governance and development policies and processes, due to unequal power relations at both basic and national levels . Subscribe to our newsletter to get monthly digests on our new articles and blog updates. Please note, this list does not include all native plant species in the area. They are an eastern Cushitic speaking people who originated in southern Ethiopia. The Kore people reside on Lamu Island on the northern coastline of Kenya. The Luhya people, also called Baluhya, Abaluyia, or Abaluhya, are among the largest tribes of Kenya. Very cool project Luigi. We have over 65 types of indigenous and exotic trees. Kenya 's native plants include the Meru Oak and the Parasol Tree, both of which are threatened endemic species. The Meru people have numerous cultural and religious practices that define their tradition. Learn more. 15 greatest African warriors who changed the continent's history, PAY ATTENTION: Join Telegram channel! Most of the tribe members are successful entrepreneurs now living in major urban centres in the country. These poeples mostly occupy the arid and semi-arid lands in northern Kenya and towards the border between Kenya and Tanzania in the south. Coming closely after the Kikuyu tribe in numbers, Luhya people constitute about 14 percent of the country's population. The aim of the campaign is to plant 20 million trees in and around Kenya's highland forests, in order to restore the regulation of freshwater flows, help combat climate change, and protect forest habitats - while improving food security for some of Africa's most vulnerable people. The Konso tribe is largely agricultural and involves the irrigation and terracing of mountain slopes. On the wide-open plains of Africa grows a tree uncultivated by man. Ethnobotanical study of anthelmintic and other medicinal plants traditionally used in Loitoktok district of Kenya. The nuts grow on enormous Bunya pines in the few rainforest regions on the continent, but these trees are increasingly less commonly found. i need to know more about you and even to work with you if posible. The Maasai tribe has one of the best-preserved cultures in the country. These zebras have 80 stripes in all, and are known for their strong sense of sight. Please provide the vegetables in the article that you refer to having the wrong spelling so we can make the necessary corrections. The Water Act also forbids "the planting of exotic species that may have adverse effects on the water resource". Maybe that made the holiday carbon neutral? Kenya restores ancient tree that was nearly extinct In 2012 only four remained in the world, but now the country has propagated 250 mature seedlings of the ancient plant In Summary The. The Galla constitute one of the largest racial groups in Ethiopia and a small minority in Kenya. Wife inheritance among brothers and close relatives has also been a part of the Luo culture. Flutes, drums, and horns were central to the traditional Kalenjin music and dances. They belong to the subfamily Bambusoideae of the grass family Poaceae. Kenya's Somali population is over 2 million people. The Taita people reside in Taita hills in the southwestern parts of Kenya along the Tanzanian border. The Abaluhyia tribe has 18 subtribes, with the Maragoli and the Bukusu dominating in numbers. There is no shortage when it comes to flowers that are native to Africa. Over-exploitation has made it rare. Recently recognized as a tribe in the country, the Asian community in Kenya has numerous members. Your email address will not be published. Had rough time getting the names right! For a complete list of all native species, download Trees indigenous to Hornsby Shire - 23kb. These prejudices have continued to deny indigenous women equal opportunities to rise from the morass of high illiteracy and poverty levels. The global distribution of plants useful to humans, or inadvertently transported by them, is closely linked to a mapping of their journeys and settlements, and the movement of species in prehistoric times must be inferred from archaeological and palaeontological remains, centers of diversity, DNA and other sources. The Galjeel is among the largest Somali clans whose origins trace back to Gardhere. Other vegetables had the wrong spelling. The tree is endemic to Kenya and has a large and straight trunk with branches. Related blog: 10 trees to know and love, Canada edition. The tree is versatile and can be grown in highlands, grasslands, river banks or even swampy areas. There are about 16,000 Nubi people in Kenya, with about 15,000 residing in Uganda. As a result, giant bamboos are usually columnar as opposed to tapering. Buchanan's Kenya Estates Ltd.Hong TD, Linington S, Ellis RH. Markhamia Muu The Trees-4-Zambia nursery is situated on Chifwema Road in East Lusaka. Also known as the Gusii, the Kisii ethnic group live in the Kisii highlands and sections of Western Kenya. List of East African countries and their capitals. Can be used as food, timber, and medicine. Among the fauna of Kenya are the coastal rain forests, the montane forests, desert vegetations, aquatic plants, and the crop or cultivated plants. Bantu and Nilotic tribes take the lion's share in ethnic representation across the country. The disappearance of indigenous trees such as African wild olive, cedar, red stinkwood and nandi flame, was not just a blow to biodiversity but also to the Kipsigis' way of life. Branches, needles, and cone scales of pine trees grow spirally and are usually arranged in Fibonacci number ratios. Exotic wildlife species in Kenya. They grow crops such as coconut palm to obtain wine and oil extracts. Mijikenda people practice agriculture as their primary economic activity. Please note that stock of many species is highly variable and subject to sell out at short notice. Known for their hardiness in dry land Africa, Acacia species are actually very diverse and are native to most regions around the world. The Kalenjin tribe is renowned globally for its excellent record in multiple athletics competitions. The Gosha tribe is largely conservative and practices the Islamic faith. There is also a demand for fast-growing shade trees in Kenya as they are planted in homesteads. At least partly, anyway. The shrub is drought tolerant and well adapted to a variety of soil, thus listed as least concern by the IUCN. Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (2003). Used for fevers, malaria, wound dressing, arrow poison, stomach pain, purgative, kidney disease, appetite stimulant, gonorrhoea, and insanity. Most of these diverse plants have been introduced to other parts of the world, but still, there are many flowers unique to Africa waiting to be discovered. Name two types of indigenous hard wood trees found in . 27. The Gabra is a nomadic tribe of 31,000 people and resides along both sides of Kenya's border with Ethiopia. Additionally, the Tharaka people are also good businessmen. The country has diversified plant life that occurs in different parts of the country from the coastal regions to the savannah grassland areas and the highland forests. ABSTRACT This paper presents a case study on using an ethno-botanical approach for compiling plant taxonomy data. The Bajuni are a Bantu community found in Lamu county, along the Kenyan coast. The top clubs in Nairobi all cater to varying audiences in terms of the music, ambience, prices, and locations. The male has the distinctive feature of two 'saw blade'-like false horns. The leaves have oil glands, and their sepals and petals are fused to form a cap over the stamens. Jacaranda is one of the most common tree species in Kenya partly due to its landscaping benefits. Red Stinkwood (aka Prunes' africana) Used for fevers, malaria, wound dressing, arrow poison, stomach pain, purgative, kidney disease, appetite stimulant, gonorrhoea, and insanity. Of the country's approximately 3 million hectares of tree cover, more than 8 percent was lost from 2001 through 2014. but ended up with the names here hope got it right The Problem Deficiency of iron and vitamin A is prevalent in most parts of SSA. 1529'17.10"S 2826'0.30"E There is also an outlet off the Leopards Hill Road, at the Malaiti road turn off. The Mbeere people belong to the Bantu ethnic group and majorly inhabit Kenya's Eastern region. Its leaves are evergreen and appear scale-like while the seedlings are needle-like. They are mainly agrarians with excellent pastoralism skills. Kamba children are typically named after specific events, people, or times of birth. A good number of Luhya people are now Christians, with a few blending the religion with traditional religion. [. Grevillea is one of the most important trees to grow, and be planted in the tropical highlands of East and Central Africa. I promised to reveal a silver lining to the black cloud of my mother-in-laws forced felling of part of the eucalypt plantation shes been tending and coppicing forever, her main source of firewood, so here goes. Pastoralists include the: Turkana Rendille Borana Maasai Samburu Ilchamus Somali Gabra Pokot Endorois These poeples mostly occupy the arid and semi-arid lands in northern Kenya and towards the border between Kenya and Tanzania in the south. The different tribes in Kenya are defined by their history, beliefs, traditions, religion, economic activities, locations, and other attributes. The tribe also occupies a small part of eastern Kenya. They speak a language called Yaakunte. 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Utilization and Medicinal Value of Indigenous Leafy Vegetables Consumed in Urban and Peri-Urban Nairobi Bioline (Available here: The loss of cattle brought them to Lamu island in the second half of the 20th century. The tribe's culture and dialect closely take after the Samburu. This is a list of Southern African trees, shrubs, suffrutices, geoxyles and lianes, and is intended to cover Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe.[1]. This tree is commonly grown for its young seed pods and leaves, serving as vegetables and traditional herbal medicine. Credit: Julius Atia The role of indigenous fruit trees (IFTs) in addressing malnutrition in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) was examined, and farmers were trained in IFT domestication as a means to encourage the cultivation of IFTs. Isaak is one of the Somali-affiliated tribes marked with dense traditions and culture. Gachathi Kenya Forestry Research Institute P.O. 1. The tribe is the 6th largest ethnic group in Kenya, with about 7 percent of the country's population. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Moringa is one of the English names. The tribe resides in central highlands and the fertile slopes of Mount Kenya that are perfect for the growth of coffee and tea. She has used indigenous trees in some garden landscaping work. supernatural: That which is beyond the observable world, including things relating to God or spirits. Both pastoralists and hunter-gatherers face land and resource tenure insecurity, poor service delivery, poor political representation, discrimination and exclusion. The bulk of the forest estate (200 million ha) support the indigenous forests which provide protective functions as well as yielding wood of high commercial value. Some bamboo species can grow by 910 mm in a day which is 1mm for every 90 seconds. The Kilimanjaro Two-Horned Chameleon (Kinyongia tavetana) is a reptile species native to Kenya and Tanzania. The Bajuni people speak Kitikuu, a dialect of the Swahili language. The Samburu have kept their cultural practices with little influence from their lifestyles. Some of the cash crops grown by the Embu people include coffee, macadamia nuts, and tea. The Spanish tamarind is a shrub that grows up to 2 to 15 meters tall. You may find most of the indigenous tree species in this databases. Fruits are black and round. It starts to flower within the first six months of planting. gachathikenya forestry research institutep.o. Seed storage behaviour: a compendium. That's what makes the difference. The deciduous species can grow to a height of 10 to 12 meters with a trunk diameter of about 45 cm. The Kenya Forests Service, the government agency in charge of forest management in Kenya, also has a guide to eucalyptus farming which prohibits the growing of the genus in wetlands, marshy areas, and on irrigated farmland, including near lakes, ponds, or any other body of . the list was compiled using multiple taxonomic data available (beentje, 1994; dharani et al., 2010; gachathi, 2007; gibbs russell et al ., 1991; graf, 1978; ivens, 1967; kokwaro, 2009, turril, w.b. Check your inbox to be the first to know the hottest news. After being defeated by the Purko Maasai in the 1870s, the Kore fled to northeastern Kenya, where they were taken captive by Somali people. Migori County constituencies and their leaders in 2020. Leaves silvery white, typical of indigenous forest and lives in between the heath. Meru Oak (aka Vitex keniensis) This is a source of wood that is both durable and has an attractive grain. Those who cultivate it must cut it back annually to about 1 to 2 meters to regrow and produce pods and leaves that are easy to reach. The Galla are widely spread in the eastern parts of Kenya. IWGIA - International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs - is a global human rights organisation dedicated to promoting, protecting and defending Indigenous Peoples rights. Dear Luigi, Thanks! Teso is a Nilotic tribe closely resembling the Maasai, Turkana, and Samburu. The flowering plant does not have dicotyledonous woody xylem. Here is a look at the 40+ tribes of Kenya. They can grow up to a height of 20 meters. 1. Leaves occur in rotundates, and are dark green above and paler beneath, with a stalk of 5 to 10 millimeters long. Uasin Gishu County: constituencies, population, governor, MPs, postal codes. . There are four species of these trees, and they all originated from South Africa. After serving for years as clients or enslaved people in Somali households, they were set free by British imperial forces around the end of the 19th century. Their situation seems to get worse each year, with increasing competition for resources in their areas. Please keep in touch for inquiries and delivery in this no. There are numerous tribes in Kenya making up the country's diverse mix of ethnic groups. The waterpear tree produces fruits and leaves, both of which are edible; the pulp and the fruit skin are sucked and the seed discarded. The plant is classified as least concern facing no threat because they are in large numbers and are found in protected areas. Kenya's native plants include the Meru Oak and the Parasol Tree, both of which are threatened endemic species. Here is a look at the other Luhya subtribes. These contiguous, non-linear, and usually monospecific tree management units may be extremely small, with 10 trees . It is used in various areas, including in making furniture, outdoor and indoor panelling, fencing posts, and firewood. The tribe occupies two counties (Kisii county and Nyamira county). Even though Kenya is among the most multi-ethnic states in East Africa, only a few tribes dominate its total population. 1527'53.84"S 2823'15.46"E. We are open between 9 am and 4 pm Monday to Saturday. im grateful to read your article. Country: Kenya. The Waat people speak in the Oromo language and share much of their cultural practices with the Orma and other Oromo affiliated groups. It is also planted in rows between small fields, and as scattered individuals over crops such as coffee and . The tribe identifies as semi-nomads. As a result, a tree that is fast-growing in one region may grow slowly in another part. Kenya's capital is home to excellent bars, pubs, and nightclubs. It is a bignoniaceae and foliage evergreen trees. 3. The tribe's culture and dialects are influenced significantly by the Luo tribe, their immediate neighbours. So thats what Mr Kirichus group does. In 1896, the British government began construction in east Africa on what is now known as the Kenya-Uganda Railway. 1. The Yaaku assimilated a hunter-gathering population, whom they called Mukogodo, when they first settled in their place of origin. Most of the vegetation cover grows wildly and are yet to be studied. The Ogiek are a hunter-gatherer community that inhabit the Mau and Mount Elgon forests in Kenya and some parts of northern Tanzania. VernacularNames of Medicinal Plants of Kenya /Tiba Asili SACCO Society Ltd, JAN, 2011 1 VERNACULAR NAMES OF MEDICINAL PLANTS OF KENYA 1. Additionally, Kalenjins are the fourth largest ethnic group in the country. The tribe identifies with Christianity and Muslim, with a few people sticking to their traditional religion. One of the countries weve planted trees in is Kenya. Your email address will not be published. Mr Kirichu runs the Kimotu Environmental Group. The Nubi tribe resides both in Kenya and Uganda and has origins in Sudan. A common reason for practicing agroforestry is for enhancing soil fertility to improve the productivity of tree and food crops on the same farm field (ICRAF, 2000).In Ethiopia, managing multipurpose trees such as Cordia africana, Millettia ferruginea, Albizia gummifera, Croton macrostachyus and Erythrina brucei is widely adopted by farmers as a dominant feature of agricultural landscapes . Please be specific Western community is a very vague term ebem if one is from Kenya. These trees grow in different areas such as rainforests, alpine settings, grasslands, woodlands, deserts, and coastal dunes. Western community is a generic term that comprises of the Luhya community and their sub-tribes. Combined, they represent over 40% of the country's population. IWGIA's global report, the Indigenous World, provides an update of the current situation for Indigenous Peoples worldwide. Download the 2016 yearbook article on indigenous peoples in Kenya to learn about major developments and events during 2015. Alakoski-Johansson University of Helsinki, Department of Forest Ecology Viikin Koetila 20, FIN-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland Become ambassador get a branded T-shirt, hoodie or water bottle at our TUKO Shop! Long before settling in the fertile volcanic land, Kikuyu traded and intermarried with their close neighbours, the Maasai. There is also a demand for fast-growing shade trees in Kenya as they are planted in homesteads. THE CORRECT KIKUYU NAME FOR PRUNUS AFRICANA IS: MUIIRI. Muthaite-Ocotea usambarensis We recorded only 35 species of birds. shared an article about the list of flowers that are native to Africa with pictures. Usually columnar as opposed to tapering 10 trees to grow, and cone scales of pine trees spirally... 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