If you are believing that they are also muslims and they behave well with muslims. Tmn menetelmn pitisi mys olla huomaamaton a helppokyttinen. These jokers have a tendency to pardon the Westerners even if that person happens to be on the death row. If the defendant informs his attorney or representative on the date of the court hearing, and the attorney or representative does not attend, or if the defendant or his attorney deposited a memorandum of his defense with the court before the hearing and do not attend, or if the defendant attends any hearing and then was absent, the court will rule on the case and its judgement against the defendant will be deemed as in the presence of the defendant. In cases where a confession is made, then other things come into play, such as was it consensual or rape and whether either of them was married at the time. [4]:160 There are also two courts for the Shia minority in the Eastern Province dealing with family and religious matters. THEY were all questioned, by a few, who then created their own, of similar intent, to subjugate the masses otherwise you would not have the one you use now, nor would Christianity have the one IT uses now! What could be the punishment for him in this matter? Your like a slave so broken by the machinery of slavery that you defend your slave masters against your own kind and your own interests. RIYADH: Saudi Arabia has made significant progress in several judicial indicators, according to the World Economic Forum's latest Global . 3, no. I am sixteen and I am from Ukraine. America should invade this country to make them understand and feel the sufferings of fellow human beings, how it would feel for them to live and work in a foreign country. Maybe you can write next articles referring to this article. Here, unless a person has confessed or made a tape its unlikely to be considered as extramarital sex. its wrong i acept 1 thing if any man do rape with girl then he able to get punishment so i request plz don`t do this.. saudia is good country i respect but remove this thing if 2 male female agree then dont gace punishment if no punishment then its okjay i dont know about this rules maybe all thing is ok :p by by, Articles and comments are very interesting and informative here. They inspire fear in the hearts of so many people and try to smash every joy of life. I dont know the details such as whether or not the thief had a previous history of stealing. I thought that this existence, this life, is good. In all my years here, Ive only heard about it happening once. Good journalism is to create discussion and thinking and she just did. Eventually the robber was caught and my friends father was asked if he would forgive the robber or not. The woman, who was also sentenced to four months' imprisonment, was found guilty of being in the company of two men, who were not her relatives. Six days later, the Sharjah court ordered a 24-year old Filipina maid to receive 180 strokes of the cane for adultery with a male Indian friend. 2. never trust anything that is written in the contract, please get it translated before you sign. Browse and shop for books, home dcor, toys, gifts and more on indigo.ca. you can earn additional bucks every month with new monetization method. Way to go on this blog. This implies that the Saudi authorities draw a distinction between "moral" offences to do with sex or alcohol, punished by caning, and political or religious crimes, punished by flogging with a leather strap. Since many of Muhammads own family members didnt believe him, why should we? The ultimate penalty demands the perfect system to stand up to any level or moral scrutiny. (LogOut/ October 1, 2009. See a pattern? In addition to the previous judicial bodies, there are several Administrative Committees that have jurisdiction to hear certain . Allah pardoneth this, for Allah is Forgiving, Clement. [4]:160 Another important change is the establishment of appeal courts for each province. The legal system is based on the Islamic code of Sharia,[1]:111 with its judges and lawyers forming part of the country's religious leadership or ulama. God is completely overtaken. a sentence of 40 lashes was handed out to a 75-year-old woman in Saudi Arabia! Ask not of things which, if they were made unto you, would trouble you; but if ye ask of them when the Quran is being revealed, they will be made known unto you. Religious people are never done telling people about their all powerful, all knowing, all wise, creator of the entire universe god, but this god of theirs never seems to be able to achieve anything at all without their help. Perhaps a little humility as well, as religious leaders of today are nothing more than people, and too often little more than hypocrites. Essentially then there is no answer to my question? The World has been more educated on the totalitarian authoritative political ideology of Islam. I read this online: US State Department Report on Human Rights Practices for 2001 Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. If any body approaches the authority, the police will suppress the cases. chanel luggage this theory has gone everywhere. Fourth case:Reviewing requests for reconsideration of judgments issued by it. :S Same goes for over-the-top (see: almost all) christianity. There is need for such articles to know about Saudi Arabic. i then experimented on the figs by eating mainly dried figs (same brand ) for over 10 years now and found cycles which i related to the numbers in psgs 11/12 of the book of revelations. "The Saudis don't want us to talk about this. If the defendant is absent from the initial hearing and his attorney or representative was not informed, consideration of the case will be postponed to a later hearing in which the defendant will be notified. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Islam has been no different than the other two monotheistic religions in this respect. That should be considered. Pingback: An Irreptitious Thief | Third News. However, his plan backfired as his son was also convicted and sentenced to flogging. sadly violence and torture and unfair teatment seems acceptable to muslims. In 1998 judicial floggings continued to be imposed "routinely". Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the United States said on Wednesday that maintaining the long-standing strategic partnership between Riyadh and Washington was "beyond critically necessary" for global stability. so its a kind advice from my side please leave the imperfect and come to the perfect may ALLAH bless you. Among the most important groups of society, people with disabilities are given access to their rights through continuously enhanced services dedicated to them, providing the necessary prevention, care and rehabilitations methods that help prevent, reduce and detect early stages of disabilities with the aim to minimize their effects. Saudi lawbreakers face rough justice At paragraph 32 we are informed that the Saudi Arabian judiciary is "completely independent", a claim not supported by various USSD and Amnesty reports. What is your take on it? Judicial floggings continued in 1997. Nobody actually reads it. Amnesty International Report 1997 But reading your blog is such a cultural shock for a guy like me who lives in Montral. Women have an important contribution to make to the public sector. Both group dating ie brothers and sisters dating in groups of friends, and chaperoned dating are common elsewhere, even in the West (double dating is often used as a form of having a chaperone/protector/friend nearby), and is a good idea. Only a brutal society that could tolerate amputation for theft or indeed decapitation. what a complete of of bull written by nk on the sacred un-adulterated quality of the Quran. Great Post, The relevant court specializes in the disputes that occur in its circuit. been 2 yrsi jas f0und ds website.. The HRW spokesperson adds that the accused is "shackled" during the punishment, and is "sometimes" permitted to wear a single layer of clothing; I had had the impression that that was always so. Especially for expats.. Two statements for you: 1) May Allaah guide you (and if he doesnt) 2) May he break your back (for increasing in misguidance for the people). YUSUFALI: O ye who believe! But I have to say, it sounds like you all live in a giant public prison! The authority of the court to change power of attorney in litigation. If the point is that the punishment is too harsh, although I am a woman, I dont think it is too harsh. The Supreme Court is classified at the top of the judicial organization to receive a complaint against the court that issued the impugned decision and is not a party to separate litigation. Two days later, the same court ordered two married Asian women to receive 180 lashes for alleged adultery. The only purpose behind this post is to state how things are. As a follow-up comment; if women in Muslim countries have half the legal status of men, if the word of a woman is worth half of that of a mans in a court of law, then why be held legally fully accountable for wrongdoing? Judgments, decisions and orders issued by the courts. Islamic judges also contend that the women are not permanently scarred, even though this is clearly untrue. like my husband and his mistress do you have any idea how to report them to the mutawa and let them be caught while being together during week ends. you are very brave . Another is that the guy takes his sister along and voila it is no longer a khilwa. It is called a bill because it is the first step issuing and adopting the law. The Embassy of The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia lucknow news. Try again. It is long past time for homophobia, misogyny, and moral judgment based on immoral books to be things of the past, and most of all long past time that we left behind the divisive and judgmental effects of mythologies from thousands of years ago. If the idea being proposed here is that people involved in khulwa and adultery should not be punished, that idea is not acceptable.. There is the universe and we are on one planet spinning in space, concious of our existence and, assume, trying to achieve something and be happy. SHAKIR: O you who believe! May you continue to blinded by faith and receive your daily beatings, I mean rewards, from the men surrounding you while you walk in public wearing your bee suit. Lets say a young male and female from the US and England meet eachother in Saudi Arabia. These hypocrites have one set of law for the poor Asians, another for the Westerners and another exclusively reserved for the Saudis. This is only for the creator of the heavens and the earth. The website of the Saudi Center for Business Arbitration provides an Arbitration Fees Calculator by entering the amount of the dispute to be calculated in Saudi riyals and US dollars. Relations between people are private and government shouldnt spy for it. Photo of public judicial caning in Saudi Arabia, Oct 1977. www.corpun.com. After all, theres quite a lot about the Islamic way of life which is more positive and this should be recognised. Supplementing the Shariah courts is the Board of Grievances, which hears cases that involve the government. The Saudi Media Debates Flogging by the Saudi Religious Police MEN AND WOMEN ARE DIFFERENT IN MIND BODY AND SPIRIT ERGO IN THE WAY THERE MADE biology AND THE WAY IN WHICH THEIR MIND SET IS DIFFERENT get it!!!!!!!!!! As an Asian diplomat put it apologetically: "They must be restrained in case they run amok during the beatings." In April 2005, a royal order approved in principle a plan to reorganize the judicial system. Is kingship is a Islamic system or own system made for fun? Cites press reports that Saudi flogging (which the USSD seems to think is something different from caning) is administered with a "thin reed" by a man holding a book under his arm. this is not me. Step outside the box. But I do appreciate your fair representation of cases. May you leave this Earth and be guided to paradise ASAP while wearing your vest. But, I personally assume her as ignorant or the one spreading false meanings about Divine preordainment. You are all on the same team, as a whole community. Hi thereI really liked your this articleWell i have also a similar site like yours and i was thinking if you can permit can i use your article on my site, Some really interesting article you got hereIs this ok to email this article to our email list. Turn to Allaah and seek his guidance. 3. All three of the Middle Eastern invented desert ideologies based on Abraham are in fact mind viruses. November 1997: Behind Closed Doors: Unfair Trials In Saudi Arabia Sharia Law = Bronze Age Lack of Civilisation On 23 March this year, an Islamic court there ordered two women to receive 180 lashes for alleged adultery. It is terrible things in your country. In the Holy Quran, it states that four witnesses to the act have to be found for it to be punishable. There are highly selective quotes from various naive letters to British newspapers upholding tough sentences. Consulate/Visa Section:(202) 944-3126 The same information is repeated in the 2002 USSD report. Senior judges will only allow like-minded graduates of select religious institutes to join the judiciary and will remove judges that stray away from rigidly conservative judgments. The Quran demands that we fight the unbelievers, and promises If there are twenty amongst you, you will vanquish two hundred: if a hundred, you will vanquish a thousand of them (8:65),Mohammed is Gods apostle. U.S. Consulate General Jeddah a sentence of 40 lashes was handed out to a 75-year-old woman in Saudi Arabia! The power of attorney may be proven in the session with a report written down in its official record, and signed or fingerprinted on it with his thumb by the authorizer. Would you not think the purpose of existence would be something of a higher purpose, for humans to use their intellect and ability to research, design, build and to have relations with other people? You cant really compare the harshness of the American legal system with the shear mediaeval barbarity of the Saudi one. Please do not trust any saudi agent who takes in alot of money for getting a visa, they make money by selling you. Crime is the Price a Free Society pays for its Freedom. The Court, in this case, works as a subject court and not a court of enforcing regulations. you hit it right on the mony. But I would think it much better for society to leave people alone. 10. How do you know Muhammad didnt suffer from Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder? The bible now a days available is not that bible which was written by the God almighty bcoz after jesus the bloody crusades amended your bible and you also believe that its been amended. But many people dont dig deep enough to know that a thief has to steal a substantial amount to get that punishment. Allaah has stated in his book that once he has decreed on a matter, you have no decision (even though you think you do). By what authority does the Quran have any reason to be considered more than a compilation of stories written 1,400 years ago by a group of semi-literate desert tribesmen who had a world view constrained by their time and totally unaware of all the science and knowledge we live with today (evolution and bacteria for example). Reveals that the Saudi authorities have contested the UN view that judicial corporal punishment constitutes torture. However the problem with your version of Islam is that you try to force your view on others. Another instanceis one timemy husband and I met a real estate agent to show us a house we were interested in. It is like a person thinking with only half a brain!. these punishments are meted out on the people in the name of religion and Islam preaches it is a religion of peace, where is the peace if it cannot tolerate its own people.I think that the Quran that dictates all these barbaric punishments should be rewritten to make it more tolerable and humane . 10 Facts of Saudi Arabia. what do u mean take his sister along? People are sufficiently intelligent to decide whether or not they like each other. Hundreds of Saudis were flogged every week, according to this January 2004 report from MEMRI, which gives a flavour of the debate inside the country at that time. Ive been chatting to a Saudi girl online recently who is extremely dedicated to her religion and although we agree on most things, other topics result in me having to hit my head against a brick wall! The quote by another comment above by a blogger called asmallquietvoiceinthedark summarised it all perfectly,Youre like a slave so broken by the machinery of slavery that you defend your slave masters against your own kind and your own interests. They have no choice but to communicate with the opposite sex. Badawai was sentenced to 10 years in . Fucking disgusting, how mindlessly some of you follow a book that was probably written by some insane crackpot that grew up without any real understanding of the world. Therefore, the Judicial System in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is divided into four bodies, each of which has its own laws and regulations. Hello, I enjoy reading all of your article post. It is the third stage of issuing laws in which the approval of the session president is obtained to turn the proposed bill or system into an official law. After the arbitrator(s) are chosen, the SCCA will contact the arbitrators and notify them of their appointment and follow the procedures set forth on the Rules regarding disclosures. And then they convict her for a crime that she never committed. i too enjoyed the line people too happy to be related i thought now there is a line that no matter where you live, how you grow up or what you believe you get! The legal system is based on the Islamic code of Sharia, [1] : 111 with its judges and lawyers forming part of the country's religious leadership or ulama. I wanted to write a little comment to support you. I dont neither do you!Humans dont define justice, it is God who defines Justice and if God prescribed certain severe punishment for evil doings then it must be so and the criminal should be punished. Sylvain Beauchamp. Amnesty International document. Hello, Im from Russia. Robert Thomas was sentenced last September to 16 months in prison and 300 lashes, and has since been caned 50 strokes at a time. They are specialized in enforcing the following: Laws are issued in the Kingdom after passing five stages that are completed by the constitutional systems. what will be the punishment for a women if she didnt wear a veil or clothes that are supposed to wear in Saudi arabia ? You say that jacqueline I believe youre french so why is there so much theft here in our country if you find the solution ? They are then beaten full-force with a four-foot rattan cane that has been soaked in water. Quite frankly, the act of cutting off a persons hand, for anyone for any reason is just pain wrong. Local courts routinely order floggings, often of hundreds of lashes -- or even thousands, inflicted in instalments. It is certainly clear in one of the two available photographs (see above) that the operative is raising his caning arm high and has no book under it. Ask not questions about things which, if made plain to you, may cause you trouble. Now, he is in jail as MOFA found out that the Nikah Nama he was trying to attest is fake and also the authorities discovered that his conversion to Islam is not complete. I read another aspect of it somewhere that the father of one of the youths who said she was his uncles wife himself complained to the religious police that these two men had gone to visit her. [10]:81 The training received from such Sharia law degrees is entirely religious in character and is based on the Qu'ran and centuries old religious treatises with no reference to, for example, modern commercial issues. The third source is Ijma, the consensus of opinion of Muslim scholars on the principles involved in a specific case occurring after the death of the Prophet. is it okay that even kids with traces of pubic hair were killed? HRW has sometimes been prone to exaggeration in the past, but if this is true, I should think it must make Saudi Arabia pretty well unique in the world. Could it have been a copy-cat story? However, it is permissible for them to do so on behalf of their spouses, their ascendants, their descendants, and those under their legal jurisdiction. The Author just wrote few things for information purposes and made me extreamly laugh at it. The caning, if so it can be described, is targeted very approximately at the culprit's buttocks, but its administration is so hasty and slapdash that some of the strokes appear to fall on the small of his back. Cites several whipping cases, with some detail of how particular floggings were carried out. [4]:160 It has been claimed that the reforms will establish a system for codifying Sharia and incorporating the principle of judicial precedent into court practice. Ayesha, your response is, at least, unfortunate. Second case:Oversee judgments issued by the appellate courts regarding: Third case:Examining requests to resume the litigation after canceling the case for the second time after the plaintiffs absence from the hearings with an excuse acceptable to the Court. i came up with a theory that involves the book of genesis (fig leaves) buddha (sitting under the bodhi fig tree) jesus (many sayings about figs) ross hornes book (new health revolution) and science (figs are the most important source of food for fruit eating rainforest animals). That does`nt make it Wrong or Right, It is merely a Statement of Fact. [4]:160 The reforms have yet to be implemented in full but, once they are, will include the creation of a Supreme Court,[4]:160 and the transfer of the Board of Grievances' commercial and criminal jurisdictions to a restructured general court system. Recruitment job profiles completely differ on paper and in reality, people are recruited by stating that they will be working in an office and their passports are taken away and forced to work as labourers or shepherd in the fields. please change the system of punishment. JUDICIAL CORPORAL PUNISHMENTJudicial Corporal PunishmentPractices in Singapore and Saudi ArabiaCorporal punishment is the act of causing bodily harm with the intent to torture anoffender until they are in an excruciating amount of pain or near death. Sacred un-adulterated quality of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia her as ignorant or the one spreading false meanings about preordainment... Floggings were carried out she never committed violence and torture and unfair teatment seems to! Poor Asians, another for the Saudis important change is the establishment of appeal courts for each Province judicial. As a whole community for theft or indeed decapitation Asians, another for the Westerners even if person. 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