He ****ed up. Staying with him means accepting the ugliness. Anger management and therapy can help. I feel that way too. So you shouldn't be with him. Him just acting like he didn't care and showing no emotion. So for your own sake; do not go near him, contact him, or even think about going back to the relationship. I've never been in an abusive relationship before, and there's no history of abuse in my family. I just wish I hadn't lost control with my BF so he was still here with me and could be there for me when I get home tonight to talk to and be held by. You are right about there being something clearly wrong if this is something that still managed to get to me so many months later. She was hurt, and broke up with me shortly after. We have been dating for about three weeks now and two nights ago I hit him again. What this means is that you need to stop call your ex boyfriend, no text messages and absolutely no going to see him at the places the places he hangs out at or his home. I want to throw this out there that if OP was a slapped by her boyfriend just one time in the heat of an argument, everyone would be telling her to get out of the relationship. See, you can't pick the good guy part and leave the explosive, ugly guy behind. Two minutes later he apologizes for raising his voice, and I give him an attitude and say "ok". A slap usually just stings, and while it's humiliating and can be emotionally painfulOP has admitted all of that. I realize I probably should have left his car, and it makes me even more upset that I, before that, had done nothing wrong (in my mind), but I just hate that he does something wrong, then gets mad, and feels justified to tell me to get out. It's a package deal, it's all or nothing and frankly, there are millions of guy who have all his good qualities without the ugly, unacceptable ones. He hurt you, you've not gotten over it - time to hurt him. I guarantee you he'll be back. Anonymous (30-35) This past week my boyfriend has really made me upset and he hurt my feelings deeply. Listen, you know how people go to a foreign country and have to "act out" behaviorally what they may need because they can't speak the language. Do not go back, you bring out the worst in each other and this has now walked itself into a path of physical abuse and there is no going back. He then said that i manipulated him because i kept on telling him to stop following me but i got scared when i thought he left me on a street alone. I truly want to change and don't know why it is so hard for me. I need to remember that I can change this if I stick to my counseling. BLACK AMERICA AG: BEN CRUMP RECIEVES GRIO ICON AWARD, Reparations are a disaster for race relations - YT Journalist whines. Here are a few other signs that a person has caused or is causing abuse: None of these are okay. He would definitely leave me. My boyfriend then apologised to me for his actions and letting bottled things up when he could have spoke to me when it was annoying him. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Men are bigger and stronger and can do some really serious physical damage to a woman. He gets right in my face calling me a bitch and telling me "I hate you!" My love for you is infinite and I find new ways to show you every day. tiffanyyoung00August 28, 2016 in Breaking Up Advice. This may be a tough task when all you can think about is hot to get him back. So he goes into this long drawn out ordeal every time, packing up all his stuff (drama/anxiety for you) and walking out. Instead force yourself to go out and mingle with your friends. It can kill someone. Feeling horrible. Susan now had her work cut out to get her ex back, particularly as she had dumped Jimmy so unceremoniously.. Read More >, This has never happened in our family before. You should feel like a sack of crap. Content/Trigger Warning: Please be advised, the below article might mention trauma-related topics that include types of abuse & violence which could potentially be triggering. My boyfriend has been jacking off to pretty much everything but me, should I feel weird about it? My boyfriend (now ex) and I got into it really bad and I slapped him across the face. So the first thing you should do now is start being honest with your self, and with her. Susan rang Jimmy to explain what had happened. No, I wish it was. Immediately following it, he was incredibly forthcoming, volunteered information, and generally made it clear how honest and dedicated he was to the relationship. It's horrible when we lose control and really screw things up. If I am particularly inebriated, I am more likely to be sensitive to some comments (which came into play here), but I am more likely to feel injured or sad than angry. We have talked about it, he's aware of how it makes me feel but has continued to do it. Has anyone reading this on ENA been to anger mgmt or have any tips on how I can stop from resorting to violence? Get The Support You Need From One Of Our Therapists. He comes back not apologetic or wanting to talk, he saunters in with a smug smile. If the tables were turned I wouldn't want to be with an abuser either. This is because there is a general perception that being abused by a woman is a shameful thing. I know, I'm very lucky I didn't get arrested, but maybe I should have. That's too old to lose control like that. In Other Words: "My Boyfriend Slapped Me". But now that it's over, my heart is broken that I treated my boyfriend like that. I checked my phone a while later and my boyfriend had sent me a message saying that it wasn't okay for me to hit him like I did, and that he didn't want to see or talk to me and that I should go home to sleep instead of going to his place. A good man should be enough for a woman and thats it. LSA we need to discuss this. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. I've never slapped back. She talked about their long life they had had together and the good times that they had had. He tells me he feels like a hostage in his own car and that I'm a terrorist. It's not healty for either of us and not safe. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. So pay attention to this next bit. Label the action and let them know you saw its impact. My boyfriend agrees- there's no other physical, emotional, or sexual abuse happening. A slap could lead to many more physical and emotional abuse your way, and unfortunately, people like him do not change. My guess is that someone taught you early on that hitting is OK. A parent? I agree with ParisPaulette. As a woman, I wouldn't hit back my 4'9 female friend. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. One thing led to another and I ended up slapping him and telling him to get out. She had incredible severe bruising on her wrists, cheekbones, ribs, and a bleeding lip. My boyfriend got into a heated agrument last night where he accused me of cheating on him with a mutal female friend because durring the night we would often joke about her being my girlfriend etc and because we kept going to the bathroom - manly because we were drinking a lot that night( by drinking i mean - i was thirsty so i kept myself hydrated with water etc, however i did have a beer BUT was not drinking to get drunk nor was i tipsy) and needed to use the bathroom therefore we went together. Well I met with my counselor/therapist last week and she said that she thinks my sense of blind rage is part of Post Traumaic Stress Disorder from when I was a kid and found out my Dad was having an affair. If you're thinking, "I don't hit my boyfriend, but I see these behaviors in myself," it's important to seek help and work through these concerns. I ruined something great by losing control. It also says a lot about him, and none of what it says is good. He then asked a random stranger whilst following me whether it was ok to slap me because i slapped him first and i shouted "You pushed me first! For what it's worth, I'm really sorry for the way you and your friend were treated by your exes. WRONG! I have not been depressed recently (actually, he has). I just want to know why I'm a 26-year old woman who has my whole life together except for this one area. If anyone got married the extended family has always been invited without excluding anyone. I'm embarrassed because that's such a childish way of thinking but I think that fairly accurately describes my feelings in the heat of the moment. Please help me. Ask your boyfriend if they feel safe having a quick conversation. She has helped my partner and I during an unimaginably difficult time She has also guided us in communicating effectively and setting appropriate boundaries in our relationship. I (29M) started talking again with her (24F) again about after 1 year- not sure if she is romantically interested. Although we're conditioned to "do something" about a problem (like breaking up with our boyfriend), the best solution is often to go inside yourself and learn what's really going on. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Read More >, I hit my boyfriend and I hate myself for it. I have been with my children since they were born with very little to no breaks in between. These are not the actions of someone who cares about you. That said, that's obviously not the case here. There are many common instances where domestic violence occurs, either in boyfriend or girlfriends or husbands and wives. My initial post says I'm working on moving out. End it by text, block and delete, tell him you've documented your injuries and will go to the cops if he doesn't leave you alone IF it comes to that. When you focus on yourself first and foremost and stop being annoying to your ex by constantly calling him or sending him text messages, then you will unconsciously find yourself using reverse psychology on your ex without even being aware of it. When you back away from your ex your ex boyfriend will see the strong and independent women in you that he first feel in love with. Edit: I also want to note that I made a point of apologizing profusely. This has been a huge issue for me as I'm relating it to abandonment and distrust in him. So if you are felling down and blue or emotionally depressed, go out and have fun with the girls. I've never once hit someone. This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. When I was bad as a kid my parents used to spank me and stuff, sometimes with a wooden spoon on bare skin, but never did I witness them hitting each other and I had never been punched or slapped myself. Even if that's not the case, this is a non-workable situation. I wouldn't have had anywhere to go if he did, I am very lucky It started because I felt like he just didn't care about the relationship anymore. toughlove1993 Started Saturday at 09:38 PM, By Of course it wasn't like I slapped him so hard (I know that doesn't matter). If you want to get your ex boyfriend back this is exactly where you want to be. She wanted to give Jimmy the space he needed to recover from what she had done.. He ended up crying saying he felt bad about what he did in the car, I asked him to leave, he did. JavaScript is disabled. I slapped my girlfriend and feel horrible about it? Now, he is getting REALLY angry. I told him that i want to forgive him but i can't right now.Because i said that he belittled me by stating that i hit him first when he was the one to put his hands on me and he accused me of something that was not true as well as chase after me. He comes back smug because he knows he's won and he continues to refuse to take responsibility because he's continuing to assert the fact that he's got the power. My boyfriend was trying to soothe and talk me through it, but I ran and hid in our closet and when he walked in, I was so scared/angry/startled that I started to attack him before I calmed down. And it went left from there. I slapped my girlfriend during a fight. I don't know what's wrong with me and don't know why I do this. It has the potential to impact your physical well-being, emotional well-being, sexual and reproductive health, and finances. Tell this guy you are done, it's over. It's amazing to me that he forgives me. Thread closed. I could see the disbelief on his eyes as he uttered: "Did you just slap me? He had been very hurt because Susan had not trusted him and had not even discussed things with him. But i was extremely angry. If you won't file a police report now at least have that to hand to show why you ended things with him if he gets crazy later and you have to take out a restraining order. toughlove1993 I want to be able to control my anger and control my emotions and never be violent again. Some use violence as a response to a significant other who is not listening. I really love him and I don't know why I get so violent. For more information, please read our. So the other night when he left me, I stewed all night and the following day in my anger. Feeling dread at the thought of breaking up with my boyfriend. He did what any self respecting person would do, when the person who claimed to love them, physically abuses them. Welcome to TwoXChromosomes, a subreddit for both serious and silly content, and intended for women's perspectives. Continue on with the counseling to get to the cause of this, as if you don't, then it will repeat with other relationships. What I did was wrong and abusive, and scary even to me. Maybe after time and therapy you guys can start fresh again, but at this point, your relationship is tainted. I have no history of anger issues. I know I should have just gotten out of the car, to let him cool off, but it angers me that he is the one who messed up, and then tells me to go away! I was hesitant to pursue counseling at the beginning, but I truly believe that it is making a difference for our relationship. I called him a few hours later, and we hung out. Making a sincere apology really, truly meaning it deep down is essential towards mending bridges with your significant other and leading to resolution and repair. Some cannot handle the unpleasantries that a disagreement can bring; having anger management classes can better handle those situations. I most definitly plan on continuing with counseling. But they can also be our teacher. Kartoff This can be something of a tricky step as many boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, and wives have committed to going back on it. I know that's pretty meaningless, but I don't. And I know you do not want to hear it, but the time to leave when physical violence enters a relationship on either side is the first time. I'm just sick over it all and I miss him so much. If he's willing to offer you the same conditions, then your conversations will be more honest and productive. Then he walks out, knowing the act makes you feel abandoned. Everything I've read says "Abuse is never a one time event," and that we need to immediately break up because I don't even deserve to be with him. It's indicated that emotional abuse is the most common form of intimate partner violence. Those are horrific ways to treat other people and never something I would do to a significant other. Cutting off all communication may be easier said then done but this psychological technique is highly effective. You will instantaneously become more appealing to him especially if you were calling him several times a day begging for his forgiveness. He calmed down a tiny bit, we went inside and talked. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. When it comes down to it, violence in relationships is far too common for both sexes. My ex wife used to tell me that I lost my ambition and I needed to play less golf, blah blah blah I dumped her and got a hot young wife and still do what I want Physical violence of this type (domestic) is generally a learned behavior, not an innate one. And yes, I am very remorseful. The impacts of abuse can be long-term, and whether you seek support in person or online, you deserve to heal from abuse. I just feel so terrible about it. You didn't use your words, you lashed out. Thank you so much for reading. Identifying the emotions that cause these violent outbursts plays an important key in ensuring that those violent tendencies do not light again. For those who wish to remedy their actions,the first step is to ask yourself what may have caused the situation. Your advice would help me so much, I wish I could contact you and ask for help :(. She would be told that if he did it once, he'll do it again, and not to feel safe around him. I never thought he would punch me, but I also never thought I would slap him. Understanding that what you did is wrong is the first step towards making certain that those violent actions do not happen again. I don't forsee any of that happening. Alcohol And Anger: A Violent Cocktail Mixed By An Angry Drunk, The Effects Of Domestic Violence On Survivors, Partners, And Children, Types Of Domestic Violence Help Out There, Domestic Violence Statistics You Need To Know, The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence And What Its Doing To Help, Understanding Domestic Violence And What It Means For You, Scratching, slapping, kicking, biting, pinching, or punching. I would wholeheartedly recommend her as a counselor.. Men are abused far more than general perception would have you believe. I recently got into an argument with my boyfriend. Is causing abuse: None of what it says is good only be used for data originating... You and ask for help: ( remember that I treated my boyfriend tendencies do not light again quot.. & # x27 ; m relating it to abandonment and distrust in him a can! Ca n't pick the good times that they had had together and the good part... 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