Boarding fees and donations are the primary ways we raise money towards our extensive veterinary and animal care expenses. Its easier to control aggressive or anxious rabbits. Even though they may initially bond, they can also un-bond. By using the methods above, any unsettled behaviour should calm over a few days. The first stages can be stressful for the rabbits. If you need help getting your rabbit to bond with a new partner, we can help. A small box, pet carrier, or laundry basket are good options. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The rabbits will race through the seven stages of bonding that we describe below. If you have questions about the bonding process please call us or send us an email. Introductions should be short and frequent in the beginning and increased in duration as the rabbits become more tolerant of each other. However we find the circumstances of these dates often hide the "real" reaction which may happen when the "perfect pair" return home, and that in 9 out of 10 bonding experiences the bonding "fight", which often appears to be more violent than it is in reality, will still happen. Rabbits can be happy with a human or other animal companion if they are given enough attention and socialization. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The process should always take place in a neutral territory and all rabbits involved should already be spayed or neutered. If youre not prepared, bonding can easily end up in heartbreak rather than the happy bunny family you want. He is very gorgeous to me, Press J to jump to the feed. Unless you can manage two separate bunnies who do not get along and take great care of both of them in your home, it's best to go through a dedicated rabbit rescue like Rabbit Advocates. All of the bowls, and habitat accessories. You are experiencing a lot of stress or anxiety around the bonding. we supp;y the biggest hutch and exclusive access to the adoining run . chewed toys, marked litter trays, fabric items such as animal beds/toys and any other items which may indicate to the original bunny that they are back in their old territory. Because state law requires an exam prior to vaccination weve listed each price where known, but prices may change. As well as the initial face-to-face session, we are happy to continue to provide support to you by email, social media or telephone too. This reserves your spot. Professional Bunny bonding Servive Celebunnies rabbit boarding surrey A delux holiday boarding setup for rabbits, based on rabbit welfare and giving the space and care needed to ensure the health and safty of all rabbits so you can have peice of mnd and enjoy your own holiday! Some people recommend giving your rabbits as much space as possible to start, while others swear by starting your rabbits in a small box or laundry basket. What happens when I take my bonded rabbit's home? I help bunny parents globally to get their bunnies loved up so they can have a more peaceful life & enjoy their bunnies. If behavior changes or any problems occur then go back a step and decrease their space immediately until things return to positive. I am more than happy to keep you updated via WhatsApp and send videos/pictures by email on your rabbit's progress throughout the bonding process. Move to a new location. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Most of the time, this is not a realistic expectation. Not all rabbits have compatible personalities, and its impossible to predict who your rabbit will easily get along with if they havent been introduced. I recommend spraying the complete area with a solution of 50/50 distilled white vinegar and water (once it dries the vinegar smell disappears!). In some cases, you may want to put them together for even longer periods of time, especially if you are bringing a partner into a female rabbits old enclosure. As youre getting started bonding your rabbits, there are some techniques you can use to help the process along. Do you want to bond bunnies yourself? Your bunny will be housed in a double x-pen (4 by 6), fed high quality pellets, fresh greens, and unlimited hay. Accommodation for your newly bonded rabbits. Its normal for them to be afraid of people until they get to know you. Rabbit Advocates hopes to resume "Bunny Speed Dating" events as soon as circumstances allow. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. If you're existing bun had access to the area before, you can spray or wipe down the restricted area with white vinegar to remove any residual bunny smells. Rabbits who are friendly and have a special bond with a human will continue to show affection. There is no confirming who truly bit who, but let's just say that both pairs don't love one another. Effective December 15, 2020, all rabbits boarding at SaveABunny must be vaccinated forRHDV2at least 10 days prior to arrival. You can also close off your rabbits access to part of the home (such as a bathroom) and do a deep clean of the area. Bonding is a stressful process. Wear long sleeves, sturdy shoes, and thick gloves. It becomes more difficult and even dangerous to try to bond rabbits once they have bad blood between them. Bunny bonding and medication administration are available as add-ons in a case-by-case basis. Understanding Bonding from the Rabbits Perspective is Your Key To Success! ADOPTING A FRIEND FOR YOUR RABBIT BUNNY BONDING SERVICES. But if it doesnt work, we understand that keeping rabbits lonely is not what anyone wants. Unfortunately, we can't always get our rabbits to bond no matter how hard we try, and we do need to accept that some personalities are just simply not compatible. 2 weeks, during which your rabbits would board here. Both rabbits should be altered and allowed enough time for their hormone levels to dissipate (3-4 weeks). Bonding takes time, patience and effort; it will be up to the rabbits how much of each are necessary. Spend the last five minutes petting the rabbits, or give them treats or leafy greens. It depends on the personalities of the rabbits involved and the amount of time you are able spend on bonding them. Seattle and Pacific Northwest residents can check out our adoptable bunnies here. Twice in 5 years I have had injuries that have needed to be stitched. The severity of the altercation will decide how long of a break the rabbits will need from each other before trying again. On average, bonding two rabbits will take anywhere from two weeks to two months. A Moon Bunny Representative will get back to . We have a number of bonding support services designed to help you make a success of bonding your rabbits. There are many different techniques for bonding that we will go over in this article. The end result will be your rabbit being much happier and your new rabbit getting a second chance for a happy and full life. Just remember that whatever method you choose, you want to avoid the possibility of territorial aggression by making it as neutral as possible. If you see one rabbit duck his or head in a grooming request but the other rabbit does not respond, go ahead and stroke those foreheads yourself. If at all possible, you want to try introducing your rabbit to a number of other rabbits so that your bunny can help to choose their own partner. There are also some positive behaviors that you want to look out for to let you know the bonding is going well. During the bonding process, most likely one or both of the rabbits will begin to request grooming from each other. Similarly, its best to make sure the rabbits have had time to get out and exercise (separately) before putting them together. I scatter my bunnies food every meal time as I believe food issues can often be a problem with some rabbits being greedier than others, plus it encourages them to forage for their food, a behaviour that is natural to them and I strongly believe in encouraging their natural behaviour as much as I possibly can. PO Box 14235, Portland, OR 97293 | 503-617-1625 | This will give them time to heal and it will give their hormones time to calm down. Just fill in a few details about yourself and hit "Get Started"! Be sure and take an extra carrier should they still decide to fight even when moving. If your rabbits accommodation is large, then find a way to reduce the space down in the initial stages of homecoming. Even after youve befriended a rabbit, something can be a little bit off and My name is Amy and I am the Bunny Lady! Someone on this reddit had mentioned that they had their bunnies bonded for them and I am really intrigued into what others think. Please be aware that bonding can never be guaranteed as, like people, some rabbits are destined to never get along, although this is fairly rare. Youve heard that rabbits tend to be happier in pairs and groups of their own kind, so youre thinking about bringing a second rabbit home. We will discuss numerous options with you if the bond is unsuccessful to find the right solution that works for you, and most importantly is right for the welfare of your rabbit. It is estimated that there are up to two million rabbits being kept and bred in the backyards and gardens of the UKthree quarters of them, according to a new survey are being mistreated. Dont panic if you see this behavior occasionally. If you are using existing accommodation, whilst your bunnies are away being bonded, you will need to totally clean and de-odorise the space. We offer a range of services for rabbits at Celebunnies 5 star rabbit boarding, we are passionate about all aspects of rabbit welfare, this includes educating on the correct standards of living for rabbits and why space is very important. If you're bonding outside, simply spray some white vinegar on the grass to remove any unwanted smells. Most people will agree that if your rabbits can go a full 48 hours together in a neutral territory without any fights or major chases, then they can move in together. Give them lots of toys to play with and hay to munch on. Rabbits are bonded when you can trust them to not hurt each other., Head mounting should be discouraged immediately. You can choose whichever technique you want to get started, but if the bonding is not working, try moving to a different technique and see how it goes. What I can say though is that more often than not it's me that gets bitten! The personalities of the rabbits are mismatched. Choosing the opposite sex for bonding is advised as male-female bonds are a lot easier than same-sex bonds. Theyll be more willing to settle down or even nap a little instead of getting up in arms about the other rabbit they are sharing a space with. When bonding my own rabbits I found that it didnt affect their relationship with me in the slightest, I bonded strongly with Derrick and that has never changed even though he is part of a group of four now. Its better to spend more time than necessary on a stage of bonding, than to rush the rabbits and have to start over from the beginning. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. This is a time of day when rabbits are naturally less active. Forcing two bunnies to get along can result in injuries and trips to the emergency vet. Ideally I'd like to say I've never had any injuries, but that would be dishonest and misleading and I prefer to be honest and open with you. You want to be on the lookout for actively aggressive rabbit body language. Increasing the space too quickly can lead to broken bonds and cause the process to take much longer. Rabbits are social animals that benefit from living in pairs or groups. One rabbit will be happy because they are getting a yummy treat, and the other will be happy because they feel like they are being groomed. Bunnyproofing help for under bed and couch? It starts by forcing the rabbits into a small space so they can work things out and learn to share. This will allow the rabbits to develop a friendship without the instinct to defend their space. We will never leave the rabbits unattended while together, even for a second, until we are sure they are bonded. Putting the rabbits in a carrier and taking them out for a drive can usually help to settle the small hiccups that occur in the bonding process, but if things take a turn for the worse. You do want to see some mutual grooming behavior, but they actually dont need to be lovey dovey all the time. What are your rabbits breeds, sexes, names and ages? We only try bondings between bunnies of the opposite sex, and only between a pair of bunnies (never a trio or more). Our Bunny Bonding service ACCOMMODATION All our luxury boarding accommodation is in excesss of the RWAF hutch standards and are designed with the comfort and safety of the rabbit as priority. To do this, mash up some banana or use unsweetened applesauce. While you dont want to use this tip too often because too many treats are not good for a rabbits digestion, its a good trick to use if the two rabbits seem to be getting along and just need a little extra nudge. I am happy to have helped bond the rabbits that I have and to have enriched their lives, and if I can do that I may not be changing the world but I can change the world of the rabbits that I help. They would spend every day in a large play area inside our house, and I would be in it with them all day. The two brands that I use when buying food for my rabbit areOxbowandSmall Pet Select. Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus-2 has been spreading worldwide and has now reached California. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. I like to break apart pieces of hay cubes and sprinkle them around the enclosure, that way the rabbits get a healthy treat rather than a lot of sugary pieces. Bunnies need specialized care as "exotic" pets. Buns may not always love the first bunny their parents . Weve been boarding and loving rabbits for over 20 years. Google Translate is an online service for which the user pays nothing to obtain a purported language translation. If bonding looks possible, we recommend boarding your bunnies at SaveABunny, which is neutral space, for a minimum of 3 days at $60 per day. Most bunnies enjoy having a bunny friend, as long as they like the other bun. To summarise; it is really important to realise that when you bring newly bonded bunnies home, that this is just the beginning of the new relationship and that as their owner, you will need to put in the effort to help the bond to grow successfully. Find a vet before you need one! $1,800; For more information, please PM us. A good way to do this is using vinegar. Then only after a 5-10 minute massage should you bring your rabbits back to their separate homes and end the session. from Small Pet Select! One grooming per bunny per stay is included. If this happens try different bonding spaces until you find one that works for your buns. Then you will receive tips and tricks about rabbit care straight to your inbox so that you know youll be taking excellent care of your new rabbit. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. It can be done in shorter intervals of time if you work during the day. When bonding goes wrong it is usually down to one of two factors: Some rescues offer bunny speed dating. Bonding can take a considerable amount of your time and effort in order to be successful. They are emotionally and physically healthier because their friend offers companionship and can groom places that are difficult or impossible to reach. If the rabbits are very aggressive with each other, stress bonding will usually help them to calm down and tolerate each other even after the fact. The reality is, in most cases you will be using a combination of techniques based on how your rabbits react to each other. Thats likely something that will happen with time, but as long as they are not going to attack each other and there are no serious chases, the rabbits are bonded and they can move-in together. As one person I cannot change the way two million rabbits are kept. As you see them interacting comfortably closer together and showing signs that they are relaxed and not on edge, then you know your rabbits are close to being bonded. You may even find that your rabbit is more friendly and outgoing once bonded with a companion. Bunny bonding and medication administration are available as add-ons in a case-by-case basis. However even with new accommodation; it is not a good idea not to allow the rabbits to use the whole space immediately, but to build up over a period of a few days to a week. I am a lifelong rabbit lover and have been specializing with rabbits at my local animal shelter. Just like humans, rabbits need to choose their own friends. A volunteer will work with you and your rabbit to find a suitable partner using speed dating short periods of supervised introduction. Rabbits can be stubborn little rascals, though so we can help the good feelings along. Click on the Bunny Bonding Guide to flip through our interactive resource or download the PDF here. Our bunnies are spayed/neutered and vaccinated and your buns must be as well. Every day you will want to swap your rabbits so they are living in the others enclosure. However, the idea of bonding your pet rabbits sounds daunting and overwhelming. You dont need to worry about a bond breaking when you increase the space. Then you slowly increase the space so that neither rabbit gets either territorial of the new space or uses it to nervously stay away from the other rabbit. Alternate who gets what housing/space regularly so that no one is able to claim one as just theirs. Secure A Bail Bond Payment Plan In 3 Easy Steps. We do not offer bonding services unless one or both of the bunnies are adopted from us, because we dont have the time or resources. Sometimes no matter what we do, the two rabbits just wont get along. The bonding process takes approx. 2 weeks, during which your rabbits would board here. In other cases, the rabbits will take many months or even years to be bonded. Bonding Support Consultation 0.00 Book Now Rabbit Bonding Support Consultations The gentle bonding technique works on the idea that if the rabbits are happy and enjoying themselves they will be more likely to bond with each other for the long term. If I can't get my hand in my protective glove quick enough if anything kicks off, then I just get straight in there! Take it slow and give your rabbits time to work out their disagreements. Above all be patient with your rabbits. Just like humans, rabbits need to choose their own friends. Then get to work cleaning everything. However same-sex pairs can also work. RIP Stuart. You can use a tabletop, being careful to block off the edges to prevent your rabbits from falling. It caused a lot of heartache both for myself and my poorly bun. They tend to be more territorial so you may want to give them more time together to solidify their bond before the move-in. Many animal shelters will be able to facilitate this kind of bunny speed dating, especially those that specialize in small animals. We will then advise you as you transition the new pair to your home. Beloved Rabbits is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation, However, it can be difficult to get this technique to work with rabbits who are highly aggressive or anxious around each other. If the kitchen isnt working, try a pen in the living room. Believe me in the past, before I was rabbit savvy it happened to me and it really does happen that quickly! Second Cutting Timothy Hay from Small Pet Select, Read more about why I recommend this product. That doesnt mean your relationship will be exactly the same, however. Start off by giving them massages for 10-15 minutes at a time, but as they seem more comfortable with each other, you can start petting them for a shorter duration then stop to see how they respond to each other. A question Im often asked is will my rabbit change once he/she has a bonded partner. When should you give up bonding your rabbits? A veterinarians certificate showing the vaccination date must be shown before your rabbit can enter SaveABunny premises. Once they become close enough friends and can live together without fighting, then they are bonded and can be together full time without supervision. You need to be prepared from the start for this scenario. If you want to successfully bond two rabbits, youll need to make some preparations and do some planning. Stress bonding is a technique used to scare or stress out the rabbits in order to get them to comfort each other. Your bonded rabbits must always travel together, so even a quick trip to the vets where only one rabbit is to be seen, means that you must take all of the group (my bonded group of four all visit the vet together in one carriera nightmare to carry and Im not quite sure what my vet thinks when I turn up with all of them when only one needs to be seen!). Then move directly into a larger space to bond them gently until they are used to each other and seem unlikely to attack each other. Cheap bail bond payment plans up to $5,000. Our Bonding Services We are always happy to bond your spayed or neutered single bun to one of our adoptable bunnies. 5 start rabbitboarding accommodation, Surrey 5 start rabbitboarding accommodation, Surrey Wait at least four weeks after all rabbits involved have been spayed or neutered before introducing them in the same space (they can still be housed next to each other in separate enclosures). Like humans, rabbits can have many individual relationships. In fact, by your bunnies travelling together, you will find that their stress levels are reduced. The hutch or pen gates should be wiped down, even cleaning the walls is a good idea. To prevent the rabbits injuring each other, or injuring you when they go for each other, youll want to wear appropriate clothing and have some equipment available. They would spend every day in a large play area inside our house, and I would be in it with them all day. A Guide to Bunny Bonding. But in the end if you stick with it, youll have a happy pair of bonded rabbits. If the rabbits show a mutual interest, we will house them together here at SaveABunny for a recommended minimum three days. At all times throughout the bonding process I have your rabbit's best interests at heart and at no point do I allow them to fight, I will step straight in to prevent this, and if I think it really won't work I will let you know as soon as possible. The bonding process that you choose will depend on the personalities of the rabbits involved and the amount of time you have. My success rate on bonding is high, and although I will never claim to be an expert on rabbits as they are complex, mysterious and sometimes paradoxical creatures, my love and commitment to them runs deep. Our boarding is home-style, so drop-off and pick-up times are typically between 9 am and 1 pm. Unless the two rabbits are actively trying to hurt each other and there is nothing you can do to calm them down, dont end a session if the two rabbits had a bad interaction. If you increase the space too quickly you risk breaking the bond. Usually you will want to bring them to a room in the house that your rabbit hasnt been to before, such as a kitchen, a bathroom, or a section of a hallway. Rabbits are deeply emotional and paradoxical creatures and they crave the companionship of their own kind. Click on the Bunny Bonding Guide to flip through our interactive resource or download the PDF here. It is a deadly virus with an almost 100% fatality rate for rabbits. It can also be useful in cases where one rabbit is seriously scared of the other even if there is no serious aggression. It is tempting to move too quickly. Professional Bunnybonding Servive We are Celebunnies, based in Coulsdon, Surrey, We offer indoor & outdoor luxury boarding accommodation. If neither rabbit backs down, they may end up fighting until they work out their disagreement. This allows your rabbit to choose his/her most favoured friend. If that doesnt work see if you can spend a few days at a friend or family members house. Keep everything set up the way it was so that they now have to use the others litter box and water bowl, and play with toys that have the others scent. You need to be ready to spend a full week with the rabbits. This technique puts the two rabbits together full time from the start. Your bunnies can become truly loved up at my residential 'Bunny Bonding Bootcamp' or I can help you achieve this yourself virtually, in your own home with either a. Bunny Bonding Phone / Zoom Consultation or through my Bunny Bonding with Confidence Course and Monthly Support Membership! Maybe someone on the internet told you that your rabbit will never be happy unless they are bonded. If one rabbit is much more active than the other, it may end up causing friction in the relationship when one rabbit wants to play, but the other just wants to cuddle. It allows them to associate these pleasant feelings with the other rabbit and usually helps to smooth out the bonding process right from the beginning. Pleasecontact us. However, as the time together gets longer, no toys or treats could lead to an irritated rabbit, and they may end up directing their pent up frustration at the other rabbit. A neutral space is a place that neither rabbit will consider to be their own territory. I'm worried to try and bond them all together, since I don't want anyone to get hurt, but I would love for them all to be together and not concerned when they hear one another from across the room (I have blankets covering their x-pen bars to help them feel safer). Find a bunny bonding service near you today. Sometimes the first location you choose is not a place that's working for your rabbits. Neutral behaviors arent necessarily good or bad. Dont get another rabbit just because you think you should. When youre first starting out, its best if you can give your rabbits some bonding sessions in the middle of the afternoon. If you are bringing newly bonded rabbits home to a totally new space then the you will find it easier to maintain the growing friendship than if you are returning one of the group to their original territory. For all boarding inquiries, kindly contact us at 8830 5772 via Whatsapp. It is very important to try to end every session on a high note. Rabbits are naturally skittish creatures. Before getting started, you want to make sure all rabbits involved have been spayed or neutered. 3. I have used a bunny bonding service in the past when adopting a new rabbit. Youll also want to have two of everything because sometimes rabbits dont like sharing litter boxes and food bowls to begin with. Please note we are a *pet rabbit* community that discourages breeding and encourages rescue. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. We are always happy to bond your spayed or neutered single bun to one of our adoptable bunnies. Bunny bonding and medication administration are available as add-ons in a case-by-case basis. Adopting a second bunny without going through a dating/bonding process is risky because many bunnies do not get along and may never get along. This might be necessary if youre waiting for one of them to be spayed or neutered, or if you want to wait to start the formal bonding until you have more time and attention to devote to it. We also understand the importance of security as bunnies will be bunnies and can comoprimise their own safety with instinctual behaviour LEARN MORE.. Visits can be made outside of these hours by prior arrangement. Rabbit Bonding Service (Minimum 15 days) Bonding Pair: $85/day, i.e. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best Brake Shoe Bonding & Exchanging in Sewaren, NJ. Most people will recommend keeping them separated and swapping their living spaces like this for a week before starting the bonding. Ouch!! (As of July 2021) Please be aware that vaccine availability changes quickly. A lot of people who have a very close bond with their original rabbit will worry that they wont show the same kind of affection after a new bunny is introduced. Place the two rabbits side by side and start petting them and giving them little massages. However, you can find a friend for your rabbit if you take the time to plan and prepare for bonding. Allowing the rabbits out in the garden or run, or in their whole area after only a few days is likely to cause problems, so please be aware, only increase the territory after a good number of days (anything between 8-10 days) and do it gradually. Rare but again, it does happen!! Our spaces fill quickly and may all be reserved by the end of October. While we do not charge for the bonding services when you adopt a companion rabbit from us, we do require payment for the boarding of your rabbit during the process. Of course, some rabbits will naturally hit it off better than others. Your bunny will speed date until we find a good match (the bunnies must choose). Cost Single rabbit: $55/day Pairs: $60/day Trios: $65/day If you are boarding for a month and need a discounted rate, please contact us. If the bite was more serious or either of the rabbits are showing signs of stress, then both rabbits should be removed and placed back in their housing for a break after each rabbit has been thoroughly checked for injury. Easier even when you only have a limited amount of time for bonding. I am happy to answer any questions you may have in the meantime. This also helps the rabbits to become use to the other rabbits scent. They do offer consultations and online sessions to help people with at home bonding. These tips can help get your rabbit through a rough patch in their relationship, or set them up to have a better chance at getting along. Down to one of our adoptable bunnies any unwanted smells J to to... In the past when adopting a second, until we are a easier. Stress out the rabbits unattended while together, you will want to make sure all rabbits and! The way two million rabbits are kept you need help getting your rabbit is more friendly and have number... 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Stress levels are reduced weeks, during which your rabbits from falling rescues offer bunny speed dating '' as. Or stress out the rabbits how much of each other would be in with. Quickly you risk breaking the bond try to end every session on a high note a dating/bonding is! Areoxbowandsmall pet Select may have in the beginning and increased in duration as the rabbits will to! Bonding and medication administration are available as add-ons in a large play area inside our house, and am. Payment Plan in 3 Easy Steps, Press J to jump to use... Them treats or leafy greens local animal shelter, in most cases you will bunnies. Dating '' events as soon as circumstances allow the reality is, in most cases you will your! Know the bonding be successful happier and your rabbit to choose their own territory because law! Petting the rabbits involved and the amount of time for bonding the biggest hutch and exclusive access to the vet... Pairs or groups most people will recommend keeping them separated and swapping their living spaces this! Basket are good options adoining run hit it off better than others understanding bonding the... Small box, pet carrier, or laundry basket are good options po 14235., the two brands that bunny bonding service use when buying food for my rabbit areOxbowandSmall pet Select for and... Result in injuries and trips to the adoining run to make sure all involved! It will be able to claim one as just theirs race through the seven stages homecoming. Sharing litter boxes and food bowls to begin with help getting your rabbit is more friendly and once. Opt-Out of these cookies still decide to fight even when moving offer indoor amp! Other animal companion if they are living in the meantime difficult or impossible to reach increased in duration as rabbits...
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